~chapter ten~

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tw: body dysmorphia, past mentions of self-harm, cutting (but not in that way you'll see what I mean.)

 edit: To anyone who has ever had these type of thoughts or days, or even minutes when you feel down, my heart goes out to all of you. Just know you are never alone and someone will always be carrying you in their heart. I know I carry all of you in mine.

Dream's POV

"Dream those waffles were amazing thank you." George giggled then put his leftovers in the fridge carefully.

"You are very welcome Georgie! So do you have anything in mind that you want to do, if not that's okay I have a list." He took a seat on the couch, and patches hopped onto his lap. This cat really does like him.

"Mm, you can pick, although I really do want to go to the beach. I want to see how different they are from mine. I know it's early November but Florida is Florida, it's hot." He started petting patches head gently and the cat was snuggling up against him. It was truly an adorable sight.

"Of course we can go to the beach, how about you go put on your beach shorts, grab anything you need, while I pack the beach bag. We can pick up snacks at the corner shop near the beach and spend the day there. I doubt anyone would be there since its early November, so go up and change 'kay?"

George nodded then he went down the hall into our room. Wait no, my room. I grabbed my beach bag and threw in the blanket I have and I stuffed my hoodie at the bottom as well. I chucked in a couple waters and two beach towels, that were massive. I also threw in a small first aid kit because you never know.

George's POV

I already put my shorts on, they were blue with white flowers over them. I was sitting on my side of the bed stalling and staring at myself through the mirror. I won't beat around the bush, I don't like the way I look. I hate my body, I'm so small especially compared to Dream. He is so perfect and I'm just so scrawny. I don't have problems eating, but I'm small. My father would always tell me I never looked manly enough. He told me I had to keep eating but I just wouldn't gain enough from what he wanted. I was scared to go out, I look so small. It's the reason why I always stick with sweatpants and large hoodies, they hide my small body and, the scars.

I've learned to cope with my pain in different ways now, but when I was in high school I self harmed almost every night. My parents were so mentally abusive towards me, and of course I had a bully. I was never confident in doing it in my arms because people would see that if my sleeves every rolled up. So I would do it on my thighs, upper thighs to be exact so it wouldn't be seen through shorts either. However high school wasn't the last time I did it, it was more like a break, after finding a couple coping mechanisms. However about a couple months ago, I was in an argument with my father about my job, he didn't like what I did, so when I went back home I was miserable. The scars aren't too noticeable and they really don't hurt when I touch them, but they are disgusting. They make me look even more ugly, and frankly, I can already feel the salt water affecting it, so I'm a little scared.

"Uh, hey George.. it's been like ten minutes are you alright?" It was Dream, he was outside the door and I could tell he was holding onto the door knob seeing as it was turning slightly.

"W-wait don't come in! I- I'm still naked!" I mentally cringed and scrunched my nose, I was frantically looking for my hoodie, I don't care if it's midday in Florida heat, I'm not leaving without it to the beach.

"O-oh, that's fine. Just try and hurry up so I can change too you idiot."

"You're an idiot!" and with that, I heard him wheeze but walk away. I put on a white t-shirt then found  my hoodie under the bed. "Oh yes!" I mumbled then put it on quickly. I walked out of his room, and he was just on the couch. "I finished, go change you take forever."

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