~chapter thirty-four~

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George's POV

It was one day till thanksgiving and today I felt a bit, off to say the least. Nothing was wrong really, at least nothing I could give an explanation for, I just felt a tad sad for some reason. It happens sometimes, just an off day. I woke up with my head on Dream's chest and his arm wrapped around my waist. I carefully lifted my head to see he was already awake, maybe just woke up since he was already groggy looking.

"Mm, good morning George. How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine." There was a bit of silence, "Uh you?"

He look down at me carefully almost searching for something, but he answered anyways.

"Uh I slept good, hey are you alright?"

I simply nodded my head left and right and slowly placed it back on his chest.

"Oh, is it another off day?"

"Mhm." I sighed and just held him as he held me too, this was helping.

I felt him press small kisses to the top of my head and he was softly tracing my waist with his finger tips, gently as if I was glass that was about to break. I guess there was some irony in that somewhere.

"Are you hungry? I can make us something or even order something, or maybe Sap made-"

"Uh no thank you, I'm not really in the mood for anything m'sorry."

I felt him sigh against my head then shake his head softly. "Sweetheart you have to eat something, maybe even some fruit, I- I know sometimes on days like this you might not feel the need to take care of yourself but it's important that you do. I'm here for you, always you know that. What if you watch me make something or what if we cut up some peaches together? Something light and fruity like you."

The last part made me giggle and I lightly slapped his arm, nevertheless what he said was cute and sweet. "Yeah I'd like that, after can I come back into bed?

"How about we shower and chill in the backyard? I can push you on the tire swing?"

I could tell what he was trying to do, and honestly it sounded so temping but so did the bed.

"George don't think about it too much okay? Let's do one step at a time. If you really, really don't want to do anything today we can stay in bed watching a show or movies, or sleep the day away really. Everything is ready for tomorrow so we don't need to stress.

"Okay, can we go cut the peaches now?"

"Yeah we can."

Before he could get up I pressed a quick kiss on his lips and he giggled immediately pushing me back into the bed. I started giggling too as he was pressing kisses everywhere on my face.

On my forehead, nose, cheeks, jawline, just everywhere. Spreading them quickly on my face and exaggerating the 'muahs'.

I was a giggling mess, "D-Dream stop it! I want peaches hehe, DREAM I want peaches get UP!"

"MMm, No! Never." He was smiling widely and continued showering me in kisses and tickling my stomach.

"NO! No! Dream STOP IT! Please!"

"What's the magic word Georgie!" He continued the kisses and tickling.

"I DONT FUCKING KNOW JUST- STOP PLEASE." I was breathless and laughing, almost wheezing as hard as he usually would.

"Wrong answer!"

"I love you!"

They both stopped, except he pressed a small one on my lips. He whispered softly as close as possible to my lips, "Ding ding ding."

"You, you will be the death of me."

"I will vouch that."

"Ugh, can we please go eat the peaches now?" I asked him with a small laugh behind my voice, waiting to rip out.

"Yeah, let's go!" We both got up and he opened the door for me so I could walk out first. We both headed down the staircase hearing a creak every once in a while until we reached the bottom. I never checked what time it was but I figured it was early seeing as Sapnap and Karl weren't awake either.

"Okay so you can sit on the counter and I'll cut them up!"

"Can you lift me up please?

"Yeah of course." He lightly gripped my waist and lifted me up onto the white marble. The smoothness of the counter top gave me chills, from it being so cold.

"Thank you." I whispered. I tapped my fingers against the marble and watched as he quietly grabbed two peaches that were in the fruit department of our fridge.

He carefully peeled the skin off of them with a thin knife, and proceeded to cut them into slices.

He was cutting them quickly, yet carefully as he was making small talk right next to me. I was swinging my legs back and forth and he kept making remarks about how 'adorable' I was. The audacity.

He turned around and grabbed a glass bowl to put our peaches in and he sat down on the stool that was conveniently right in front of me. So I pulled my legs up and sat in a crossed formation so he wouldn't be too close.

"Okay open up."

"Dream I can feed myself, I'm not a baby."

"I know but I want to, please?"

It wasn't a common occurrence to see him ask for something, more like begging, so I let him. I let out an embarrassed giggle and opened my mouth slightly so he could put a peach in. It tasted just as I wanted to, sweet and peachy.

"They taste good." I spoke after finishing the slice.

"Yeah they are, do you think Karl and Sap are awake? I was thinking maybe we could do a stream train today, a treat for thanksgiving break and stuff."

"That sounds nice, we can do a cooking steam, manhunt, karaoke stream, and then on Sapnap's we can do a horror game?"

He smiled brightly, "Yeah that sounds good, I'm proud of you."

"For what?" I raised my eyebrows and my forehead crinkled in confusion.

"For getting motivated to do something today, that probably wasn't easy." He whispered softly as he moved his left hand up and down my lower thigh.

"It's always easy when you're by my side."


I hope you all had a nice weekend, remember to eat and hydrate!

1050 words



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