~chapter twenty-three~

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George's POV

It was around the middle of the day, and the sun was shining perfectly into Dream's room. We were still cuddling in his bed watching our series, sharing quick occasional kisses on the head or cheek. We were both super giddy and giggly, and it was honestly the best feeling in the world. It was around this time that I realized I haven't said a proper hello to Karl.

"Dream, we don't know how long Karl is going to be here. Should we go down there?"

"Only if you want to Georgie, because I mean... I wouldn't mind staying here all day." He smirked and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of my fluffy hair. I giggled then hugged him harder.

"Yes I'm sure let's go. Plus maybe we can discuss Thanksgivings plans seeing as it is in a week."

"Georgie you are completely right." Dream moved his arms from my waist, allowing me to get up and off the bed. After sighing, he stumbled out of bed and grabbed his phone while placing it into his front pocket. He walked to his bedroom door and held it open for me.

"Why thank you sir."

"Anything for you good sir." He responded swiftly. I chuckled then walked out the door straight for the downstairs. I was met with the sight of Karl and Sapnap digging into a fresh box of pizza, watching the second High School Musical movie.

"WHAT? ANOTHER BOX? JUST TODAY?" Dream gasped then fell over into uncontrollable laughter.

"Wait what? What do you mean again?" I slightly giggled at Dream and his wheeze.

"This- this morning they ordered pizza for breakfast and now they are eating a whole new one again!"

"Hey we were hungry and Dream, you usually cook for us. Did you want us to STARVE?" Sapnap exclaimed as he paused the movie and completely turned around looking at us, along with Karl.

"Oh I don't know, you could cook for yourself??"

"Because I like it when you do it daddy Dream." Sapnap said in a fake seductive tone, but either way, Dream was mine.

"Go kiss your boyfriend Sapnap." I said semi sternly which made all boys looks at me. What caught my attention the most was that Dream was smirking at me, then raised an eyebrow.

"No no, go on Sap you were saying?" Dream batted his eyelashes like crazy then held his face in his hands, resting his fingers on his slightly rosy cheeks.

"Why don't you cook for me?" Sapnap got up from the couch then started holding Dream's arm. I quite literally scoffed then a smirk found it's way on my face after I saw the look in Karl's eyes. It was the same as mine, jealousy.

I walked past both Dream and Sapnap then winked at Karl. He sat back in his chair, seeming to have connected to my own thoughts. Then I sat in his lap with my back against his chest, and he wrapped his left arm around my waist. I looked back and smiled at Karl fondly. We looked over at Dream and Sapnap and instantly smirked.

They both had separated from each other and they did not look happy. They gave each other a look I couldn't comprehend before walking up to us. Dream picked me up by the waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"H-HEY PUT ME DOWN. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I was kicking my legs without hurting him, only to be sat in Dream's lap on the couch. 

Looking back over Karl, he was in the same position I was, in Sapnap's lap.

"You're mine. Got it?" Dream whispered in my ear softly without letting Sapnap nor Karl hear. I couldn't help but blush over his possessiveness but nodded. I felt Dream tighten his grip on my waist from both sides and then we both looked over at Sapnap and Karl who were staring at us with quite curiosity. 

"Are- are you guys finally dating?!" Sapnap yelled excited at the assumption. I looked over at Dream and he gave me a subtle nod.

"Um, yeah we are." I responded for us both.

Both Karl and Sapnap stayed quiet for at least ten seconds, until they both stood up and squealed like middle school girls.

"YES. YES. YESSSSS. FINALLY YOU LOVE SICK FOOLS. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE BEFORE I SAW YOU TWO AT THE AIRPORT. SEE, I told you George, he liked you back." When Sapnap said that, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. He was NOT suppose to say that.

"Swipnip shut up you idiot."

"What? No no, continue what were you saying Sap?" Dream spoke up smugly.

"Shut up Dream or no kisses."

"Sapnap shut up." Dream quickly said then proceeded to kiss my cheek. At some point or another, the movie had resumed  and we were all basking in each other's presence. Until the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it." I stood up from Dream's lap then went down the hall to open the door. 

I wish I didn't. 


856 words


-Luna <3

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