~chapter four~

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*thank you everyone for the 34 views, it may not seem like a lot but to me it is. so thank you very much, i hope everyone is having a good day :)*

Dream's POV

We were ten minutes away from my apartment when I realized it only had one bedroom, and the spare room was my office. We never had the lease set in stone so for the time being George would either sleep on the couch or in my bed. With or without me is up to him. I also came to the conclusion that my diet of mac and cheese or ramen soup cups, would not suffice. He has to be so tired and hungry, that flight was 12 hours.

I looked over to my right and George was peacefully asleep facing the window. His chair was bent back slightly so he could put his knees inside his sweatshirt.

He looks so adorable. 

I figured he would rather go to the store now then later so we wouldn't have to keep going out. He can sleep in the car safely too. I pulled up into the supermarket and I was about to wake him up, but then his phone started ringing.

Nora is calling...

Nora? Isn't that George's sister?

"George." I whispered his name. "George."

"Mmm, five more minutes."

"George, your- your sister is calling you."

He stood up faster than I could comprehend. He looked scared and upset like if he was debating to pick up.

George's POV

What the fuck.

I grabbed my phone from the cupholder and picked up. I saw Dream pick up his phone too, probably to go on Twitter.

"...Hello" I said it softly, because well shit, I'm scared. I didn't think they would call me so soon I mean it has been two days roughly.

"George?! Oh my George you're okay!?" At this point she was yelling into the phone, I had to pull it away from my ear slightly and Dream was now staring at me, concern filled in his yellow eyes.

"N-Nora what happened? Did something happen to mom and dad?" I was nervous, even if I 'wasn't their son' anymore, they still semi-raised me.

"No, listen to me you need to leave your apartment. Now!" 

"What? whets going on?"

"Dad and Brandon left ten minutes ago to go get you, something about sending you somewhere to fix your problem and that they would teach you a lesson."

Dream definitely heard that, he looked scared, and a little angry?

"Nora you aren't mad at me?"

"George of course not, you are my little brother and I love you regardless now-

"Who are you talking to." It was Brandon, he sounded pissed.

"Oh just talking to Parker, she wanted to see if Jules would come over on Sunday, but I muted. Did- did you guys get him?"

"Does it look like we got him? He must have been out or something because he wasn't there. The place looked kind of, empty. But your father? Oh he was pissed. He couldn't  have gone far because he left his precious PC, and whole gaming setup." Brandon continued.

"What? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I thought you would be pleased my love? You have a disappointment for a brother and your Dad made sure he knew. He grabbed a bat that was in the corner of the room and smashed the whole set up to pieces."

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