~chapter twenty-two~

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George's POV

My eyes opened slowly, taking in my surroundings one by one. T.V, couch, bed, pillow, Dream, my leg on Dream... My leg on.. DREAM.

Oh my- Oh my god. I made out with him yesterday, and he kissed me back.

I mean fuck, he left marks on my neck more than the others. I was smiling like an idiot. I know we basically swapped saliva but I still didn't know if it was out of pity or not.

Carefully, I lifted my leg up then around so it wouldn't be on top of him, but he groaned.

"Mmm. George?"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I stayed as still as possible and shut my eyes calmly. I WAS NOT ready for this confrontation. Truth be told, I was scared of what was going to happen between us. Not only could it ruin our careers, but our friendship too. The boy I've liked for two years kissed me yesterday. Multiple times.

"You know, I know you're awake. People actually breathe when they sleep."


I laughed nervously, "Uh, good morning Dream." I looked up then opened my eyes staring at him. Green eyes met brown. He looked very calm for someone who MADE OUT WITH ME not even eight hours ago. There was a bit of a silence, it wasn't awkward but nor was it comfortable.

Unfortunately, we spoke at the same time.

"Do you want-"

"So  about-"

We both laughed softly, but Dream spoke up. "Do you want breakfast?"

"Yeah, I could go for some waffles and strawberries right now." I scooted away from him and as soon as I was going to get off the bed I felt a pair of hands on my waist. Dream once again lifted me up, quite similarly to last night and placed me on his lap. Heat was rushing through my cheeks as I recalled last night. It might have been something small, or meant nothing to him. But it meant everything to me.

I looked at him nervously and with a questioning gaze.

"Georgie, I'll go make us the waffles, stay here and put a movie on." He slightly leaned forward then kissed the tip of my nose. Once again, a swarm of butterflies, No. A hoard of butterflies filled my stomach and I found myself smiling softly. I nodded and he took that as his confirmation to pick me up once again, then sit me against the headboard.

He quickly slipped a shirt back on, already having his shorts, and closed the bedroom door on his way out.

I don't think I've ever felt so happy before.

Dream's POV

I don't think I've ever felt this happy before.

Seeing George waking up in my arms, all nervous to be even near me at the ungodly hour was very adorable. Yesterday was amazing, I never knew I could feel this way about someone, hell I didn't know he felt that way about me. Has he always felt that way? Or did he gain feelings over the trip. Or was it just a make-out session for him. No. George wouldn't do that.

As I walked into the kitchen I could see Karl and Sapnap eating a fresh box of pizza for breakfast. They both looked at me like a child who misbehaved and dropped the pizza on their white and purple paper plates.

Sighing, I looked over at the clock which read 8:14 and looked back at them.

"So you're telling me. At eight a.m. you bought a box of pizza. For breakfast?" I asked them very concerned.

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