~chapter seven~

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tw: assault?

George's POV


"What happened at your parent's house?"


"George, I don't want to force you to tell me, but I want to know. I want to help you. I want to be there for you."


"And no matter what happened, I'll always be on your side-"


"And I'll make sure you feel safe enough to tell me too and-"

I cut him off with a hug, the type where his hands were still slightly lifted and he was shocked by it, and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He felt so warm, it all felt so surreal but it sure did get him to shut up. "I'll tell you when we get home? I kind of want to enjoy the ice-cream with you at the park, if that's okay with you." I slightly looked up and he was looking down at me.

"Of course we can."


We sat down in the park and it was slightly chilly out, nothing too bad since it was just early December. There was leaves falling ever so slightly since it was the correct season for it. The bench was made for two people, but I'm guessing it was for a couple because you may as well sit one person. Dream and I had our legs touching side by side and I was basically leaning my chest on his. I would have done it fully but it may have been weird. So I kept my back to the bench in like, an awkward position you may say. We were making small talk, but not the awkward type. He was telling me about his siblings and family, and how he's excited for the holiday season.

Dream is one of those people who you can just listen to forever, I'm guessing that's why we have a lot of fans, because of him. His voice is so soothing, and mending. I could listen to it forever. He was looking at a flower garden while he was talking to me and his dirty blonde hair was flowing in the wind. That sounds so cliché but how do you want me to explain it? His hair was literally moving with the wind and his cheeks were a little pink. I think this is the first time I've taken in how he looks like, without the scare of being caught by him. He has so many freckles, some darker than others and some lighter. They were all scattered along his nose and cheeks. And every time he smiled? Gosh, two dimples grew on his cheeks and his eyes would light up. His eyes. I knew they were green because he told me, but to me they looked golden. I think he had to be  the most beautiful person on Earth, and I'm not exaggerating. I could see his head was slowly turning back to me so I looked away quickly. How fortunate that my eyes landed on a girl. 

She was definitely a teenager, and she looked scared out of her mind. There was a man who maybe looked older than me, he looked to be in his late 20's. She was in an alleyway but not fully in it, she was still on the main sidewalk, just in the opening of the alleyway. She looked so uncomfortable and when the man started running his hands down her arm I had enough. If that was my own daughter or even sister, I would be so scared for them. So I quickly left dream's side and ran up to them.

I stood in front of the girl and slightly pushed the man back. "Hey why don't you back off she's clearly uncomfortable you bitch." Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dream coming up to us, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Excuse me? This is my girlfriend so can you leave now?"

Alcohol. That's what his breath smelled like, I slightly looked behind me and the girl nodded in disagreement. 

"Yeah, no walk away." I knew I wasn't strong enough to take him on, but if that gave the girl enough time to leave I was fine with that. Plus something tells me, someone was going to be a lot more mad than I was.

After being quickly and roughly pushed against the wall I could see the man raise his fist at me so I closed my eyes. However after two seconds, nothing came but the sound of shoved pebbles and pavement. It was Dream. He had pushed the guy off of me and he was on top of him.

"Don't you dare fucking touch him." He punched the guy straight in the jaw. The teenager was scared and she now had tears staining her cheeks.

"Hey, it's going to be alright, don't worry. Can I hug you?" She nodded and hugged me tightly. I was still watching Dream, but it looked like he stopped. I saw him pull out his phone and as I assumed, "Hey can you send an officer and ambulance to my location, I'm reporting assault."

His conversation on his phone continued while I was comforting the girl. She had called her parents and soon the police showed up. Everything was being sorted while me and Dream stood behind slightly making sure the girl would go home alright. Before everyone started going away, the girl walked towards Dream and I and she hugged us.

Sniffling, "Thank you guys so much, I don't know how to repay you."

"Don't worry anyone would have done it." I smiled along side Dream, and she was beginning to walk away until she turned around.

"Oh, and you guys make a very strong power couple, very good looking one too." 

"Oh we aren't- ... yeah." Dream said as he looked down at me and smiled. Well if I wasn't blushing from the beat up he gave the other guy, I sure as hell was now.

Dream and I decided to go home, and I was a little scared for what was to come.

We walked inside and the whole ride Dream was smiling at me. Never once did it falter.


He just stayed smiling at me. So I laughed. "Dream. What are you doing, why are you looking at me like that."

"You're amazing you know that?"

"... What?"

"You're amazing."

I was just confused at this point, "Dream are you feeling okay, why?" I was a giggling mess now.

"You saved her you know, you didn't need to tell anyone what you were doing. You helped her because you wanted to."

"What was I suppose to do? Leave her there? I wouldn't want that to happen to my own daughter." And here, this is when I got happy because when I mentioned that last part, he smiled even harder. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah, but please, no horror."

"No promises."


1176 words- 

chapters one through seven have been edited.  rest on the way :)

-Luna <3

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