~chapter thirty-six~

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*Hey guys, quick warning I'm picking absolutely random ages and names for dream's character's family. So if I pick a name for Drista in this story, It's not her real name as we don't know it. Anyways, enjoy the chapter :)*

tw: lime? slight smut? I dont know what to categorize it as. And honestly it wasn't even planned either but the conversation went that way. I went out of my comfort zone for you guys but it isn't much. I'll add a * when it starts and ends just in case you want to skip the part. due to the chapter size, I'm splitting them in half so it wont be overwhelming to read.

Dream's POV

I was already waiting outside my parent's house waiting for my little sister to come out. To say the least, I was very nervous. I haven't come out to any of them and I wanted her acceptation  the most. I needed her acceptation the most.

Our age difference wasn't too bad, I'm 22 and she's 15, so we always had a close connection. However, she was currently taking too long, the parade was starting in thirty minutes and she texted me saying she was hungry and wanted a snack.

"I swear."

I texted her back saying we would have a whole feast when we got there but she refused to believe me saying something along the lines of 'what ramen noodle cups?'. How rude, I'll have her know I can actually cook and bake. But finally, I could see her in simple shorts and a t-shirt, since her pajamas would be at the house.

"Oh my god, Layla you took forever."

"Oh please, you waited for ten minutes? I wanted my strawberry strudel." I shifted gears and started driving back to the house.

"Lay, I told you my friend's were making a whole feast. We know how to cook. Anyways how are mom and dad? All ready for later?"

"Yeah, I'm not so sure about Sap cooking, but maybe your friend George, I watched his cooking stream."


"They are fine though, mom wants to look her best as usual and she's matching with dad."

"Oh yeah, George is a pretty good cook, also Karl is here too if you didn't know. He made his famous grilled cheese for us."

"Oh hell yeah."

"Also, Oliver is coming over as well, and so is Sapnap's mom."

"Oh woah Oliver? I thought be moved down to Toledo."

"Yeah he did, but he's going to be in town for the holidays and he agreed to come later on in the night for our little party or whatever."

"Hm yeah, I'm really excited to meet George. I'm gonna ask him if he has a girlfriend because so many people simp for him."

 Including me.

"Oh yeah, heh."

"What's wrong?"

"What? What do you mean."

"You're gripping the wheel like it's the end of the world, so again. What's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something that only three other people know."

"You know you can tell me anything Clay."

"I'm in a relationship-"

"With George."

"What? How did you- how did you know?"

"Please when I mentioned the girlfriend you had the biggest smirk on your face. You are so easy to read."

"Uh, well yeah, I'm dating George and he's been through some stuff but I've been there for him."

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