~chapter seventeen~

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George's POV

Finally,  after hours of moving the last boxes of our belongings, mostly Dream's since Sapnap and I still have our own stuff at our own places, I placed the suitcase of my clothes in the corner of the room. I didn't think it was possible to get my own belongings from my own apartment, not that I needed anything from there seeing as my setup was completely destroyed.

I looked around and noticed the walls were some soft yellow color, could be green but how would I know. I grabbed a pen and a sticky-note pad that I had in a box and decided I would make a list of things I would buy for my room. Furniture would not be a problem for the house seeing as it already came furnished, so I wanted to buy decorations to make it feel more like me.

I started writing, and made sure to get sand blue semi-gloss paint, then white sound proof board for when I get my setup. I also wanted white blankets, but the pillows to be blue and fluffy. Seeing as the floor was hardwood, I wanted a nice white fluffy carpet to match the room too.

I also wanted to buy a mini bookcase where I can get the books I want to read, and even put  my youtube. Also on the list, I added ivory fairy lights to hang up around the wall. It was going to have a nice soft feel to the bedroom and I was so excited. Part of me was a little sad that I couldn't sleep or cuddle up to Dream though. But then again, he must be relived to finally be able to sleep on his own. 

After a while, I finished organizing my closet with the little clothes I had from what I brought, and I was feeling very hungry. I was starting to wonder if any of the boys had heard my stomach from their rooms, and Sapnap was downstairs. I was positive we didn't have any groceries or even snacks, so I did what any normal person would. I grabbed my wallet, phone and put on my shoes.

I was currently wearing black sweats with a purple semi-cropped hoodie with black vans to top the outfit. As I was walking down the hall to the staircase, I saw Sapnap was making his way up.

"George I am so frikin hungry it's not funny."

"Yeah, I'm getting hungry too, I was actually about to ask Dream to take me to the grocery store, but seeing as you have a car too..."

"Oh hell yeah, you ask Dream if he wants to come or wants anything and I'll start up the car."

"Perfect." I made my way up the stairs again and knocked on Dream's door. He was listening to Taylor Swift, and it was blasting pretty loudly, not that it bothered me, but I doubt he could hear me. "Okay, I'm coming in."

When I walked in I saw Dream pinning printed pictures onto the wall above his bed and I saw some familiar ones too. There was a couple of Dream Team fanarts, photos from his family then a picture of him and I that we took earlier in the week when it was just us. Seeing that picture made my heart flutter and a slight pink hue to rise on my face but I didn't want to react to it.

"Hey Dreamy, Sapnap and I are going to the grocery store seeing as we don't have anything, do you want to come?"

"Oh hey Georgie, thanks for the offer but I'm really behind on the organizing so I think I'll stick to that. Can you make sure to buy popcorn and sodas? Ooh, can you also get me chocolate but not-"

"Yes, no dark chocolate I know you hate it, and nothing with caramel either since I know you don't like how messy it gets. I'll get you some icecream too, want a fruit flavor or a more standard flavor?"

Dream smiled softly as he looked back down at his pictures after hearing me speak, "Oh uh, can we get strawberry icecream? Oh! And can you get mnm's and whipped cream? It needs toppings of course."

"Will do, I'll see you in a bit, text me if anything." And with that, the blonde returned to his pictures and  I studied him for a moment. I didn't want to linger staring at him, but he was so mesmerizing to watch and be around. When I turned back around I saw Sapnap smiling at me weirdly but I didn't think much of it. So we both walked down to the garage and headed towards the grocery store. It's just two boys shopping for food it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.


"For the love of god, GEORGE. I said lemons, not limes!"

"Damnit Sap, I can't tell the difference!"

We both burst our laughing and continued shopping through the produce section. I made sure to add in peaches, pineapples, and strawberries seeing as I knew we all liked those. Once we reached the grape section I grabbed both green, and red grabbed not knowing the preference of my roommates. Woah, roommates I can get used to that.

We made sure to throw in, two milk jugs, orange juice, eggs, a variety of meats, pancake mix, cookie dough, bread, difference cheeses, different spices, a lot of chips and snackables, different cereals, and lastly the things Dream wanted.

When they were walking to the self-checkout Sapnap looked deep in thought.

"Sappy, something on your mind?"

"George... I'm sorry if I'm stepping a line but.. The way you look at him, and act around him," he stops picking up things from the cart signifying his attention is all on me. "It's different from how you act with me. You like him, right?"

The heat in my cheeks rose up, and I could definitely feel my eyes widen at the accusation. Had it been that obvious? Had I, been too obvious? I forgot everything would be different now, I mean we couldn't hide behind screens anymore. Hell, we are all living together and the boy I've had a crush on for years is sleeping in the room directly across from mine, for who knows how many years to come.

"I- uh.. What? No, Sap no." Who the hell was I trying to convince? I hate myself for stuttering.

"George, you don't need to lie to me, it's okay I don't judge you. If anything I've been waiting for the day where you two would get together, I mean come on you guys are Dream and George. George and Dream. You guys were clearly made for each other, romantic or not. It's like you two are both pieces of a two piece puzzle, and without each other you'll never be complete."

I smiled at the thought of being Dream's missing puzzle piece. I always felt content being around Dream or even thinking about him. Until I realize every time, that he wont feel the same way back, he just sees it as strictly platonic.

"Sap.. please don't tell him. I know you guys have known each other for much longer, and you guys are practically brothers but please don't-"

"George, you are just as much of a bestfriend to me as he is. I would never tell him something like that, it isn't my thought to say. HOWEVER, I will be your wingman. Hold on I need to get one more thing, you have your I.D on you right?"

I gave him a questioning look. "Uh, yes?"

"Okay good, I'm getting vodka be right back. Also I forgot to tell you something."

"Well what is it?"

"Well, Karl and I have been dating for two months, and well I told him I wanted to see him so he's coming to our house. Tomorrow, but don't worry he can stay in my room. But I also promised him a mini party between us, with drinks. So get ready to get your drink on."


GUYS. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PRACTICALLY 250 READS???!! I'm literally so happy! Also, consider voting on the chapter if you liked it pretty please? :) Heh, Karl's joining very very soon, how are we feeling.

1394 words


-Luna :)

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