~chapter thirty-nine~

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Dream's POV

This couldn't be happening. I just watched my father walk away in complete silence, disappointment maybe? I could feel George hugging onto my arm and whispering some reassuring words along side my mom, but I couldn't hear them, all I could hear was the clanking of my dads shoes along the steps.

"Dream, hey look at me, it's alright-" George tried soothing me but I lightly pushed both of them away from me. I bolted straight through the door after my dad who was about to get in the car.

"What! Nothing to say? Am I that much of a disappointment to you?!" I could feel my voice falter and close up, if he didn't start answering soon my voice would be gone.

"Clay. Please leave me be, go spend the holiday with your family."

"Dad you are my family. Just talk to me please, you didn't say anything. Anything!"

"I don't- ... I don't know how to feel okay? I didn't think my son would grow up to like the same gender. In the house I grew up in this was frowned upon okay?"

"But you own your own house, you make your own rules. What's bothering you so much, please tell me."

"I always asked myself what what wrong with loving the same gender, I didn't know what the problem was. But my parents raised me a certain way so this is, going to take some time okay. I might not completely support it... but I'll respect it."

I could feel my cheeks start to burn from my smiling and I knew somewhere in my heart we would completely come around.

"Thank you Dad. Can I.. Can I have a hug?"

"Of course you can son."

"I'm so happy you're still calling me that." I basically whispered and threw myself in his arms. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm acting like a little boy, this meant everything to me. The guy who taught me how to fix cars, throw a football, how to cook, anything. He accepted me, as much as he could. He was trying and that's all I could ask. "Please celebrate with us? I know it's a lot to ask of you, but I really want you to meet my boyfriend." I mumbled against his shoulder blade pushing apart from him.

"I'll try son, I'll try."

George's POV

I watched Dream run outside the house and I was about to head out after him in case things got bad but his mother pulled my arm back carefully.

"George honey, as much as I know you want to help this is something they need to discuss by themselves. Why don't we wait inside for an outcome yeah?"

My eyebrows pinched together and I think I might have visibly frowned at what she said. I really wanted to help my boyfriend, but I think she knows her families dynamic better than I would.

"Alright, can I help you to a glass of wine?" I lifted my head and walked into the kitchen where I could see Drista alone eating some of the cookies we had previously baked. I guess all the boys and Sapnap's mom made their way outside.

"Oh yes of course, what do you have?"

"I have some cabernet?" 

"Ooh, I can tell who picked that one out, of course I'll have some."

"Great, Drista do you want a cup of milk with those?"

"Yes please."

"Great, I'll bring those out to you two, you can go ahead and get comfortable outside."

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