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Six months later. Dream's POV

"Oh my god. Sap, I am so nervous what if he doesn't like it- Or worse! What if he just get's weirded out by it?"

"Oh my gosh, this again? Dream, he is head over heals for you, can't you see the way he looks at you? I bet he would want to marry you right this second! Find your balls and go out there and find your man."

"Okay I needed that thank you. My hair. It looks fine?"

"More than fine, if we didn't have boyfriends I would be all over you."

"Shut up."

"Jokes, jokes."

"Okay go get him."

And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm dressed in black jeans and a black shirt, simple but sexy. At least thats what Sapnap said. Oh man this is gonna go horrible isn't it-



He's right, I started the car and drove down to the beach where George and I went the other time. Damn, it seemed like forever ago, and that's only the start of our relationship. I had to be zoning out and thinking a lot because I heard the seagulls and smelt the salt from the sea. I was here. I looked down at the blue velvet box and opened it to a silver embroidered ring with my first name on it. The top had two silver jewels and in the middle was a swirl of green and blue, our rightful colors. I stepped out and saw George sitting alone on the sand staring at the ocean.

God he looked Gorgeous. He had grown his fluffy brown hair out so it was super curly, very cute.. and useful. Nevermind that, I had stepped out the car and looked down at my phone to see the all clear from Karl. Apparently he had been going out to get snow cones for the both of them.

I very nervously walked up behind him until I reached him, and sat down right next to him.

"Dream? Why are you here, all dolled up too?" He laughed and looked into my eyes. Gosh those eyes. They have my whole heart and he doesn't even know just how much.

"I love you."

His eyes had widened a bit and he seemed shocked. He giggled nervously and attempted to say something but I had spoken too quickly.

"I love you with all my heart. You are my heart."


"When I first met you online, I instantly made a connection with you. You were a sweet boy and I should have seen how badly you were struggling beneath the screen."

He started smiling shyly and he accepted the fact that I would be speaking more.

"When you flew over here, it was the best moment of my life. The best. I met my soulmate, at the time it was platonic for me but it grew into both platonic and romantic. You were my other half whether you realized it or not."

I looked away from his gorgeous eyes and looked into the ocean.

"I fell for you faster than you could say howdy howdy neighborino." He started laughing and you could see the little creases around his eyes and cheeks. Gosh he had me wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know.

"You are mine. And I am yours. So I wanted to make you a promise." I pulled out the blue velvet box and kissed his cheek while opening it. I heard him gasp and quickly look down as his cheeks got red.

"I promise you that one day, we will get married. Whether you want to or not, we can decide if we want to expand our little family and if not I'm perfectly happy with you alone too. I promise to hold you, and cherish you and hug you when you're sad. I promise to cook for you, cuddle you, and watch random movies that interest you on the sole reason to make you smile. And most importantly I promise to be loyal and to love you with all my heart. Do you accept my promise?" I held my breath a little scared for his answer, but deep down I knew he would accept. I turned to look at him and his eyes were filling up with tears as he kept nodding up and down.

"Yes! Yes of course I accept it, I love you so much Dream." I grabbed his legs and placed him on my lap while also grabbing the velvet box. I grabbed the ring and slipped it onto his finger while he admired it.

"'Clay'? Your first name? That's so nice Dream, and it's so pretty too."

"I gave you my first name until I give you my last"

He smiled and kissed my cheek over and over again pressing small pecks to my lips too.

"Now, how about those snow cones?" 

-795 words


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