~chapter sixteen~

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Dream's POV

It was around eight in the morning and all of us were sitting at the kitchen island eating cereal. I was so excited to see the potential house we would all be living in for the next couple of years until one of us decides to leave. I would not mind living in a house with them for the rest of my life though, they are my second family after all. 

 We were all getting to leave so I decided to make sure we all had a proper fit check.

Sapnap was wearing black skinny jeans that had rips all along the leg and knee portion of it with two silver chains hanging on the side. He also had a dark brown crewneck with a white collar and another silver chain on his neck too. His hair was nicely brushed and he was wearing checkered vans and was now waiting for George to come out from the kitchen.

George came up to us wearing light wash gray jeans, with minimal rips on the knees. The bottom part of his jeans were cuffed and you could see his white socks that were inside of his purple converse with white laces. He had a matching dark purple crewneck with a black collar and he didn't have any jewelry on. Both Sapnap and George walked out the apartment door down the hall and I looked at myself one more time to make sure I looked presentable.

I was wearing very dark green skinny jeans with silver chains on the side, with a black turtle neck that wouldn't suffocate me too much. It wasn't going to be too hot out so it was acceptable. 

"Bye baby, I'll be back soon." I pet patches head then walked out my apartment door while locking it. As I made my way to the elevators, I saw Sapnap and George patiently waiting and conversing as I walked up to them.

"Took you long enough." Sapnap mumbled playfully and hopped into the elevator along side George and I.

I scoffed, "You forget I need to lock up and have a child at home." I pressed the cold button on the wall indicating we wanted to go to the lobby. The soft red glow of the button was shining right back at me and I could hear the rumbling of the elevator take place. I looked over at George and he looked as happy as ever. His hands were in his back pockets and we was chatting Sapnap up about something.

"How about you?" George looked at me and tilted his head waiting for a response.

"Oh what? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"I asked  if you think we are going to buy it? Based off of the descriptions and pictures of course."

"Honestly, yeah. The place looks promising and I can't wait to move in with you guys. It's a dream come true, no pun intended." The elevator doors opened and we began walking to the front of the building since I had a very close parking spot. "Okay let's speedrun this, the house is ten minutes away and it seems to be in a quieter neighborhood which is pretty cool. I also heard there's some sort of stream/pond very very near like behind the house so that is so cool as well."

"Yeah I agree, I can't wait anymore. LET'S DO THIS." Sapnap yelled then went to his designated seat, in the back.


"Your destination is on the right."

"Thank you google maps helper." I cheered then quickly parked in front of the house.

"YES YES YES LET'S GOOOO." Sapnap hopped out the back and ran towards the front door and he knocked. Good thing George and I were already behind him because a young man opened the door.

"Hello boys, my name is Carter and I will be showing you around the house today! I'm assuming the tour is for  Clay, George and Nick?"

I decided to take charge here seeing as the house would be put under my name mainly. The second person on the lease is either going to be George or Sapnap, but I think George should have the lease under his name just in case. "Yeah that would be us, my names Clay and the boy to my left is George, and the boy on my right is Nick."

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