~chapter eleven~

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tw: homophobia? kind of, creeps? action of violence

George's POV

Dream and I were walking side by side, with me on his right on the pier. We agreed we would save the boardwalk for another time since we were pretty tired from the beach. He told me he had the perfect restaurant in mind, but as we were approaching it, it classified as a café.

"Oh my gosh. Dream!! I've always wanted to go here!" I beamed and started tugging on his arm.

"I figured, there aren't many 'Rain Forest Cafe's' in the U.K and I doubt you get out much seeing as your world revolves around a block game."

"Hm yeah- WAIT what?!"

Dream did his classic tea kettle wheeze and started leaning over me holding onto my shoulder for balance. His laugh was so adorable, people were staring but I didn't care, seeming him happy gets me so giddy. I looked down and smiled as he started to calm down.

"What?" He asked me, he was still smiling.


"You're smiling."

"Well cause you're laughing, it's cute. I-I mean like the way you laugh?! W-wait No I mean-"

"George." He began laughing softly, "Why don't we get a table yeah?"

"YES!" I tugged on his arm once again and began dragging him towards the line. When we got there I noticed a brunette girl was taking the table requests. She was pretty cute to be honest but from where I'm standing she was more interested in Dream. Oh great, this again.

"Hey table for two?"

Her eyes widened and then she started twirling her hair between her fingers and pen. "Of course! Don't worry I'll make sure to get you a great waiter as well."

Dream looked down at me then cracked a smile. "Oh really? That would be very, appreciated." he giggled sweetly and leaned forward practically with heart eyes.

She started giggling all flirty too, "I'm going to switch with my co-worker and I can be your waiter cutie."

I could not tell what he was doing, I think he was genuinely flirting with her but what would I expect, after all he was straight. I was stupid enough to think I had a chance in the first place, we were just bestfriends. I was looking around awkwardly until I saw a group of older men staring me down. They were obviously checking me out, and I was VERY uncomfortable. I started shifting closer to Dream and he looked down at me as to why I moved closer. I very subtly looked over at the table but he didn't seem to get the idea. That was until they started catcalling me to go over. Now, Dream got the idea and he looked a little angry, it's a difference to when a girl your age starts flirting with you, but getting treated as an object is something else.

Dream stood on my right side blocking their view of me and he stood a little closer.
"Okay tables ready, right this way boys." She was walking away to the table swaying her hips side to side. I was in visible disgust and I think Dream could tell but he didn't say anything. As we both sat down across from each other on the booth, the café started booming and throwing lightning bolts as the animals went crazy. It startled me a little but Dream just started laughing.

"Hello there boys," She said mostly staring at Dream. "My name is Cassandra and I'll be your lovely waiter today, can I start you off with beverages?"

Dream looked at me and insisted I go first. "Uhm I'll get a lemonade please-"

She cut me off very quickly still looking at Dream, she started leaning towards him too, closer to his shoulder. "And what about you handsome?" I think at this point I was just upset, I get she's interested in him but she doesn't need to act like I'm not here.

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