~chapter three~

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George's POV

"Come to me"


Finally. I thought this plane would never land. I literally watched the whole Twilight Saga. The whole thing. It sure did help my fear of flying though, I mean come on now, Jacob? That's a whole distraction on its own. 

There was a girl next to me, she assumed to be the same age as me, and the whole ride she was on the phone with her boyfriend. I knew that because of the conversations they were having, let's just say they were interesting. She must have sold a kidney to pay for that many hours of service. I however, only payed for an hour of it so I could let Dream know when we were landing.


G: Hey Dream.

D: Hey George, are you landing soon?"

"Flight attendants, prepare for landing please."


"What?! Dream you- you can't be serious?"

"I am very much so serious. Fly out here, pack your things and move in with me."


"It's not like we haven't talked about this before. We have a perfect three bedroom home waiting to be bought for the dream team."

"..." I sighed.

"George, you said you couldn't handle being in London, and that's okay, that's fine, just fly out here. And- And I'll even buy the ticket, for tomorrow morning."

"Dream even if I wanted go, I wouldn't let you buy my ticket."

"So that's a yes?!"

"Yes, but-"

"Aaaand purchased!"

"Dream?! Did you just buy my ticket?"

"No George I bought a ticket for Quackity. Yes it's for you, you idiot."

"You're an idiot... you idiot."



"Okay anyways, your flight leaves tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. your time. George even if it isn't under the best circumstances, I'm so excited to meet you." Dream said softly as he looked down. I noticed his cheeks turn a little pink but I didn't think much of it.

"I'm excited too Dream."


G: Actually, yeah I just landed I just need to wait for baggage claim then I should be ready to call an uber.

D: What! George are you crazy? This is the first time I'm meeting you and you don't think I'd want to pick up my little Georgie?

G: Don't call me that bitch.

D: Make me.

    G: (Read)               

D: Fine.

D: Oh come on now.

D: You are literally waiting for your bags I know you can see this.

G: Relax pissbaby I just got my bag. I'm under section B it's blue.

I grabbed my bag and sat down on a bench near a gift shop. I decided I had time to buy Dream something so I went in. I looked for around four minutes before I saw the perfect thing.

Dreamy is calling...



"AGH what the HELL Dream. Why are you YELLING."

"I have texted you like... 14 times?!" He wheezed.

I slid down to the lock screen and there they were, 14 notifications. "Oh I'm sorry I must have... zoned out."

"That's fine you said you were by the bench near the gift shop in section B?"

I walked out and sat on the bench patiently waiting. "Yes you idiot where are you?"

"George I will go home."

"No you wont." 

He hung up.

What the hell? Why did he hang up. What a who-


No one's POV

George turned around and he could have recognized that voice from a mile away. Once they both made eye contact, in unison under their breaths.




George smiled wide, he didn't even realize the nickname, because secretly he loved it when Dream called him that. But right now, on his mind, he needed to engulf the blonde. George dropped his bags and sprinted towards Dream. Before they could both react, George jumped onto Dream and wrapped his legs around his waist. He shoved his head into Dream's shoulder and just let himself be held.

Dream was not complaining, he knew George was tired and happy to see him, so he made sure he wouldn't say anything to embarrass George. Suddenly he felt George tense up and then he felt a wet patch on his shoulder. It was George, he was crying, but something told him they weren't tears of joy.

"George?" Dream said it ever so softly as if it was only for George to hear, because that's the truth, it was only for him to hear. He felt George bury himself further into his shoulder, legs wrapped tighter than possible around his waist. Dream was fairly strong so when he held George up by his lower waist, he used his other hand to gently lift up George's chin. George tried to look anywhere but at dream. 

He whispered with his voice hoarse and weak, "I'm sorry." A single tear fell down his cheek and Dream wiped it off.

"What happened? What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"God no,  you did nothing wrong. I'm just scared, what if they make me go back? Or what if they were right? What if-"

"George... I can assure you, I won't let them take you back. No matter what it is, I would never hate you, I can promise you that. Is there anything I can do?"

"Just... just be here with me?" George slowly got back onto his feet and gave Dream a broken and painted smile. He went back to grab his bag then came back next to Dream.

"You didn't let me answer."

"I know."

"It's okay, I know my answer and I'll make sure you know it too, now lets go home?" Dream grabbed Georges suitcase and started walking forward. What he didn't see was that he left George completely red. And it sure as hell wasn't sunburn seeing as he just landed in Florida.

"Lets go home." George whispered then made sure he still had the gift in his pocket.

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