~chapter twenty-one~

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*this was very awkward to write*

tw: mention of the sexual harassments; lime?

George's POV

My mind was blank. I didn't feel anything. I could feel the soft cushions of the car and the low hum of the engine ringing through my ears. There was no music playing, I guess it didn't seem appropriate at the time.


Was he calling my name?

"George?" He was, he was calling my name softly as if not to disturb my thoughts.


"We're home."

I simply nodded then got out of the car. He was following right behind as we approached the door and pulled his gold key out. It was attached to a blue keychain. When he opened the door I saw Sapnap and Karl stand up quickly.

That's right, Karl was coming here.

"George!" Karl ran towards me and hugged me but I flinched and tensed into his touch. It was quick, but I gently eased into it, it was Karl. He wouldn't hurt me.

"It's so nice to see you Karl. But I'm really tired I think I'm going to go to bed if that's okay?"

"Yes of course! I'll see you tomorrow Gogy."

As I was walking towards the stairs I could see Dream and Sapnap whispering with Karl. I didn't care all I wanted to do was fall asleep as quick as possible.

"Hey George? Wait up." I turned around and saw Dream behind me at the top of the stairs. I just stared at him blankly waiting for him to talk again.

"Come into my room with me?"

"Yeah." I whispered then headed into his room. It was much colder in his room because of the air conditioner. "Uhm, did you need something?" I said as I turned around to face him. He was looking at me yes, but his attention was directed to my neck. "Dream?"

"I'm so sorry. I-I promised I would protect you and- and I let that happen to you. I- I should have done more and I'm so sorry George." I looked at his eyes and water was threatening to spill.

"Dream..." My voice was gentle and soft, almost threatening to break if I spoke louder. "You saved me. You stopped it before it could go any further? Look I'm standing right here" He took a step closer to me. "I'm not cut at all, sure I have some.. marks sure. But they'll go away. Sure they are painful reminders, and that was my first time doing something like that. But I need to deal w-with that okay?" My voice slightly cracked at the end.

Dream extended his hand towards my neck and hovered over it, once we made eye contact he put his fingers on the marks on my pale skin. I looked up at him and the tears he was so desperately trying to keep away fell down quickly and smoothly. He pulled me into a hug and I didn't flinch this time. I knew he would never hurt me so there was no need to be scared.

"I um, I told Sap to fix you a bath, I know you're tired, but I figured it would be nice." I smiled at the thought and agreed with him. So I was starting to walk out his room when he stopped me. "Oh, I kind of told him to do it in my bathroom. And I was maybe thinking you could sleep with me?"

I blushed a little and seeing as his eyes widened he got worried. "I- I meant like just sleeping in the same room, not sex."

I laughed a little at how stupid he was being. "You idiot I knew what you meant." I walked passed him into the bathroom and hesitated to close the door. "Can I... sleep in one of your hoodies?"

"Oh yeah, I already picked one out for you." he walked up to me and handed his black hoodie with a white smile. It was so soft and so was his fingers when they collided with mine as I received the hoodie.

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