~chapter fifteen~

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tw: talk of Brandon ✋🏼

George's POV

We were all inside the apartment now and the inflatable mattress was up in the center of the living room. Dream and I were on the couch at a safe distance, and Sapnap was on the mattress facing the television screen.

"I just don't get it, why wasn't there space for both of them on the boat?" Sapnap was very confused as to why Jack died and he  would not shut up about it.

"My gosh Nick get over it." Dream mumbled then threw a pillow at Nick's shoulder.

"Whatever, put on a new movie. Also, I'm hungry."

"Nick, did you not eat a whole sub on the way here?"

"George that was licherally a whole two hours ago." He said exaggerating the British accent on 'literally'. I rolled my eyes.

"Well we can order pizza if that's okay with you Dream?" I looked up at him with my famous puppy dog eyes and I made sure to pout my bottom lip just enough to make it look convincing. There's no way he'll be able to say no, I know what I'm doing. He stared directly into my eyes then examined my face like if he was having a mental conflict in there. I think it was safe to say it was working.

"Of course it's okay with me. We can get two pies and split them in half for toppings so we can get four different variations. Oh, also I'll make sure to get the cheesy bread since I know you really like that George. Nick do you want hot wings?" He stood up and began writing things on a small sticky note he had on the kitchen island.

"Oh hell yeah, make sure to ask for ranch too?"

"Oh hell no, you're one of those aren't you?" I asked as my nose scrunched up in pure disgust.

"George do not disrespect me or I'll tackle you to the ground."

"No you wont." Dream remarked as he sat back down with the sticky note and pen next to me. Significantly closer might I add.

"No I wont."

"That's what I thought Sapnap." I proudly said and got a little closer to Dream.

"Be glad your boyfriend was there to protect you." You guessed it, the heat crawled onto my face once again this evening.

"Nick shut up don't make me bring up Karl into this. Anyways, I'm thinking we can do one half plain cheese, one half pepperoni and sausage, another half green peppers with olives, and then the last half a classic Hawaiian. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect. Alright boys while that's coming, I'm going to take a quick shower and you and George can pick a movie. Hopefully that will be the last one since we have an early meeting tomorrow for the possible new Dream Team Crib."

"Okay Chadnap."

"Rude." And with that, Dream and I were left alone for the second time that night. He was putting the order for the food and he looked up at me.

"Do you want anything else besides the pizza and cheesy sticks? I can get you a lava cake if you want it. To make up for the so called icecream I was going to buy."

"That sounds really good, but can we share it? I'd rather share it with you." He smiled at me then nodded.

I was scanning through Netflix trying to find a good movie that we could all watch but I got an idea. I think he noticed how happy I got because he started smiling too.

"What's on your mind."

"I'll tell you when Nick comes out!" I started giggling then shoved my face into a pillow while laying down on the couch. I heard him laugh softly but then I felt arms around my waist. "Dream?" I asked softly as I lifted my face from the pillow.

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