~chapter five~

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Dream's POV

I woke up earlier than usual today, it read 7:24 a.m. George is still sleeping very closely to me but he was still facing the wall. There was a small gap that had to have been made when we were asleep. He looked so peaceful sleeping, he looked happy. His head was tilted upwards a bit, so that's how I know.

I tried my best not to wake George up as I lifted from my side of the bed. I wanted to make him breakfast, because I knew he would practically be starving. He hadn't had a proper meal since before his flight.

I went down to my kitchen and heard little paws running towards me. With a smile, I faced my cat patches and picked her up. "Hey patchie, are you hungry?" I don't know how George didn't notice her yesterday but with everything considering...

I opened up my fridge and grabbed two eggs and butter. I felt chills run down my spine as I felt the crisp hair flow out of the refrigerator. The air conditioner still running wasn't helping either, you would have never guessed it was summer with how cold the apartment was at the time. I grabbed fresh blueberries and then the milk. I was planning on making George blueberry pancakes since I know he loves them. He once told me his mother would make them for him when he was younger but stopped when work became more important to her.

Sometimes I wish I could have brought George sooner. He would have been happy, or at least better. I can't even imagine what he has gone through. Albeit me having a nice family, George hasn't told me why he didn't want to be in London. I don't want to push him, but I want to help him.

By the time my thoughts are rushing through my head, I have managed to make a stack of blueberry pancakes. I also managed to cook up some bacon and made a small portion of scrambled eggs. I made sure to add cheese into the mix since I know George would like it. He deserves to be spoiled, and if I'm to start, what better way then an awesome breakfast.

The time was now 9:03 and I managed to get two plates ready at my kitchen island. Seeing as I wanted to let George sleep in a little, I decided I would take a shower, then make a list of what to do with George. I knew sooner or later I would need to talk with Sapnap about the house lease that we would all be splitting.


It wasn't long after I made the list so it read,

Adventures of Dreamy and Georgie 

*go into town to see the little shops

*stop by the diner so George can have his taste of American food

*go to the roof of the apartment, to watch the sunrise.

*go to the wildflower field and have a picnic

*go to the carnival

*go to disney world

*go to Color me Mine with him

*go to the beach

*bring him to my special spot.

*more to be determined


"Oh! Georgie you're awake, how did you sleep?"

George's POV

"I slept good, uh thank you for yesterday." I looked down embarrassed because I didn't want to force him into comforting me.

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