~chapter nineteen~

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Dreams POV

I woke up super warm and felt something around my waist. I opened my eyes slowly and realized George and I were once again cuddling with each other. I so badly wanted to stay wrapping my arms around him, but today was going to be special. We had a plan and I wanted to cheer up George from what happened last night.

My head was right above his, but if I looked down I'd be able to whisper very closely into his ear. "Georgie, get up we have a fun day planned."

His skin gained goosebumps and he started waking up slightly, so he looked up once he opened his eyes. The slight pink tint on his cheeks a little noticeable.

"Good morning Dream." He smiled then snuggled his head back into my chest. I silently awed at the sight and sighed.

"The house is too quiet, I think Sap might have left to get Karl already. Do you want to make pancakes? Or eggs and bacon with like an English Muffin on the side?"

"Hm, second option for sure." George began to untangle his legs from mine and I lifted my body slightly so he could get his arm out from under me.

When we stood up I noticed just how big the shirt looked on him and they covered the shorts I gave him. By the looks of it so did he.

"Dream this looks like a damn dress on me."

"I can see that, ready to make breakfast?

"Yeah let's go."

I opened the door for him and he walked in front of me headed towards the stairs as I trailed behind him. Once we got to the kitchen he took out four eggs and butter from the fridge while I took out the bacon from the freezer. 

"Okay so, bacon doesn't need any extra grease it can cook on the pan by itself, but theres a smaller one where you can scramble the eggs. I said placing the bacon onto my pan.

I turned the stove on and waited until I heard the sizzling so I could flip each over. In the mean time George was adding cheese and butter to the scrambled eggs which was practically already done. He also popped four english muffins into the duo toaster and waited for them to toast nicely as well.

By the time he finished putting our portions of egg and one piece of the muffin on the plate, I grabbed both of us two strips of bacon each.

"Orange juice?"


"Joking, joking, I know you prefer apple juice."

After bringing the two glasses of apple juice down and setting the plates on the island we made small talk while we ate.

"Wow George, I'm surprised you can even make eggs, let alone make them taste this good."

"I'm full of surprises."

"Good to know."

We both finished the plates and he sat on the island facing the sink dangling his feet. He was holding a rag so he could help dry the dish, and I was forced with the duty of scrubbing them down with soap. I passed him my plate and he wipes down the water droplets carefully, even though some would manage to get on his thighs.

"Okay, so we both shower, get dressed, than we can head to town. George I know you are going to love the place. It might get a little messy,  so don't wear like, anything too nice, 'kay?"

"Alright." He hopped off the counter quickly then went into his room to go change and get ready. Soon after I did the same and got dressed.

I wore some light washed gray jeans, that had a couple rips in them near my knees with a simple white t-shirt. I wore a silver chain and white vans then grabbed my phone and wallet. I decided to wait for George outside his room, and he was taking a little longer than usual. I was playing with a the chains while I waited then he walked outside the room quietly, softly twisting the door knob as he walked out.

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