~finishing author's note~

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Hello! Hello everyone. That concludes it! Thank you so much for reading 'Be here with me?' It's been a long ride and I wanted to thank each and every single one of you who stuck around for the ending. As my first public book, and dnf fanfiction it really has been just a good time writing for you all :)

I will be editing this whole book very soon, fixing the  minor grammatical errors and punctuation. However, I'm going to be starting my second fan fiction very soon that you all voted on a couple chapters earlier.

Once again, thank you so much for reading this, and maybe I'll post little future updates for them in my oneshot book :),

Consider voting? Consider following to see when the new fanfic comes out?

Remember to eat and hydrate properly and you are all worth so much. I'm proud of each and every one of you.

-Luna <3

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