Sometimes on bad gender days, DC will spend all day working trying to get distract himself
Or he'll spend all day in bed wrapped in blankets
There's occasions Florida will join
California too
Gov has threatened to make any politician disappear if they give DC flack
IDC slips up more often than Gov (surprisingly) but she's working on it
Sometimes she'll just say 'my twin' and it works
(I think this has something to do with DC being her twin, so she's just not used to it yet)
IDC bought a shirt that said 'Gender is Garbage' for herself when DC came out
DC cried
One time DC went back to Washington with their nails still painted, and some politician made a big to-do about trans rights in the Senate that day and DC slowly pulled their suit jacket over their nails.
Louisiana and Texas asks if it's a 'he' or 'they' day and switch appropriately
They're always threatening to go to Washington and beating up politicians for DC
DC is scared shitless his dad will find out
DC learns transitions and when he posts on California's Tik Tok does transitions to show off any make-up looks he's doing
They spend a good amount of time at the Statehouse in make-up
New York: They're my gender non-confirming boyfriends
New York: And they cute as FUCK

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
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