The First Step

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Florida walked out into the living room, finding DC sitting on the window seat leaning against the window looking out the backyard.

"Dee?" Florida whispered. DC picked his head up and smiled at Florida softly.

"Hey Dia." DC whispered.

"You okay?" Florida asked, approaching his boyfriend and sitting on the window seat.

"Gov was just screaming at me for expense reports, and some other things." DC explained softly. He put his head back on the window and Florida watched him sigh. Florida knew the truth.

My dad called today

"Have you taken any of the gummies Coco gave you?" Florida asked. DC held up two fingers with a smile, dropping his arm back to his side.

He asked if I was still queering it up down in Orlando

"Do you want to be touched?" Florida asked. DC nodded and the chaos gremlin leaned forward, taking his hand gently. The two sat in a comfortable silence for a good few minutes.

He also blamed me for things Biden hasn't accomplished yet, saying if I worked harder he'd be fulfilling his promises.

"How'd you know?" DC finally said not looking over to Florida.


"How'd you know....that you were different?" DC asked. Florida bit his lip and dropped his eyes to the floor.

"I don't know. I guess I always felt that way. My dad tried to suppress it, but eventually I had to push through my own way." Florida explained. DC nodded but still didn't meet Florida's gaze. Florida picked his eyes up and noticed, on the side of the face where it touched the window, a singular tear falling.

God can you imagine if he knew that I'm nonbinary? He'd come up here and drag me away to beat it out of me.

"I think you need to rest Dee." Florida whispered. DC snorted and picked his head back up, tear gone but eyes still shiny.

"I don't think so, I have work to do." DC snickered, picking up his coffee mug from the window sill.

"Also I lied to you, I took three." DC announced taking a sip of his coffee.

Maybe IDC should've been born first, she would've done a much better job then me

Before Florida could answer, the front door opened and shut, revealing California with a bunch of bags.

"Blossom, rosie." California greeted warmly.

"How was shopping?" DC asked, putting his mug down.

"Oh it was great, one store kicked out a Karen, I got footage for later and everything." California said with a grin. "Rosie, I have something for you."

Maybe Gov should've been her brother, he can handle this government work better than me

"Oh?" DC asked as California rounded the couch and approached the two. He handed a bag to his boyfriend who took it curiously and dug in. Florida watched as his expression went from underlying sadness to pure joy.

"POPPY." DC said with a gasp pulling out two items of clothing. One was a black skirt with suspenders, the other was a white long-sleeved top that went under the skirt and suspenders.

"You like taking my stuff when we dress up, so I figure you can start your own collection when...." California swallowed hard, and Florida knew what he wanted to say. "When we do it again." DC happily ran his hands up and down the outfit, just lost in the wonder of his own skirt. If he noticed that California purposely got the shirt with long sleeves, or without a too high neckline he kept it to himself.

"I love it, thank you." DC said with a soft smile kissing California. Florida watched the display with a hint of sadness, wishing DC would just come out and say it now.

Maybe dad is right, maybe I was better off not being born

"Dee please, just say it." Florida thought watching DC press the outfit against his body and California adjusting it. "We'll accept you, we promise."

Later that day, Louisiana and Florida were off doing their shenanigans although they remained stumped over what their chaos would be.

"We could wrassle a gator." Louisiana announced sitting on the banks of a river with Florida.

"We did that last week." Florida whined looking up from his phone. Louisiana rolled his eyes as Florida let out a gasp.

"LOUI LOOK." Florida yelled holding up his phone screen to Louisiana's face. In the video, the person, who was clearly DC but not showing his face, adjusted the camera before stepping back and revealing the outfit California bought for him yesterday.

LOOK WHAT ONE OF MY BOYFRIEND BOUGHT FOR ME YESTERDAY. A text-to-speech voice said as DC showed off all aspects to his outfit.

I LOOK SO CUTE. DC adjusted the outfit and then flashed some peace signs at the camera, kicking one leg back, revealing some knee-high stockings borrowed (stolen) from California.

"Look at that." Louisiana said with a soft smile watching his boyfriend. "Darlin' is experiencing some of that uh....."

"Gender euphoria." Florida announced proudly.

"He looks good." Louisiana said softly as the video stopped.

"I wish he'd come out." Florida whispered.

"Now sha, stop." Louisiana ordered looping an arm around Florida's boyfriend and kissing his temple. "He'll come out when he's ready."

"But he's miserable."

"He's unpacking years of trauma, this will take awhile." Louisiana pointed out gently. Florida sighed and started playing the video again.

"I guess you're right." Florida whispered watching DC prance around in his new skirt. "But it hurts to see him so depressed."

"We can only be supportive, he has to do this himself." Louisiana said kissing Florida again and standing up.

"Want to get some gator tail?" Louisiana asked.

"YES." Florida cheered jumping up. "And hey maybe later we can stop by Target and pick some cute things for Dee?"

"That might give us away sha." Louisiana said with a laugh, kissing Florida's head. "Plus he looks cute in everything." 

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