DC played with his hair in the mirror of his bedroom and sighed. California had dyed his hair again, a pretty pastel color that made Louisiana whistle and Texas call him prettier than a sunset in Texas. DC had loved the color on his boyfriend, and complimented him with the others but deep down he felt jealous.
What he wouldn't give to dye his hair.
In his deepest fantasies, DC was able to dye his hair any color of the rainbow and everyone would love it. Realistically, DC went back to Washington four days a week so unless he wanted to out himself to all the Republicans and Trump cultists that worked in his building, his hair color had to stay neutral. It sucked but it was part of being the federal government.
But DC may have found a solution to all that.
DC reached next to him and pulled up a bag from a year round Halloween store, pulling out a cheap plastic wig. It was the best he could do on his budget; surely Gov would wonder where two hundred dollars went (although he'd be more than accepting) and DC couldn't risk it yet. He tore open the bag and pulled the shiny wig out, smoothing down the sides before getting it ready, then pulling it over his head.
The wig was way too small, it was cheaply made of course, and it shone badly in the light and was shedding like a dog.
But DC felt beautiful.
He twirled the strands of hair in his fingers, tried to do different looks (although his real hair got in the way of that) and just, in general, found so much gender euphoria wearing the wig. It was like he'd actually dyed his hair the horrendous pink color.
DC jumped and tore the wig off his head, spinning around to face California standing in the doorway.
"Were you wearing a wig?" California teased entering the room.
"Uh....no! I....it's a scarf." DC lied. California lifted DC's arm, revealing the cheap wig he had clutched in his hands, chuckling.
"Really? A Party City wig? I had higher hopes for you." California smirked.
"I-It's all I can afford." DC muttered looking down.
"Baby why don't you let me dye your hair? You'd love it, and it'll make you look so gorgeous." California pointed out cupping DC's cheek.
"I can't poppy!" DC said with a sigh. "It'll never come out by the time I have to go to Washington, and I'm not out there. The best thing I can do is cheap wigs." California looked between the fake wig he held in his hand then back at his boyfriend before smiling.
"I think I have an idea." California announced.
"W-Wha?" DC asked before a finger was brought to his lips.
"Aht, you leave that to me." California whispered getting closer to DC. "You stay here, I'll be right back." DC felt a shiver go through his spine and nodded. California kissed DC before leaving the bedroom, and DC finally relaxed.
Although he was fearful at what his boyfriend had planned.
Later that day, DC was (for once) sleeping with his head on Louisiana's lap and feet on Florida's lap when California came bursting through the front door.
"Is rosie around?" California asked.
"Poppy SHH." Florida ordered pointing at a sleeping DC.
"Awww man. I wanted him to see the wigs I bought him." California whined holding up his bag.
"Wigs?" Louisiana asked turning around, adjusting himself so he didn't disturb his boyfriend. "You bought darlin' wigs?"
"He wants dyed hair, but can't because of work. So I figure this is a compromise." California said with a smile as DC groaned.
"Mm....what's going on?" DC mumbled sitting up a little.
"Cali bought you wigs Dee!" Florida announced making DC sit up fully.
"WIGS? Poppy, but they're so expensive..."
"Hey....I said I had a plan didn't I?" California said with a wink making DC blush. He tossed the bag at DC and jumped over the couch to sit between him and Florida. "Try one on."
"O-Okay." DC whispered reaching into the bag. He was hit with a bunch of pastel colored wigs, some mermaid hair, some a solid color. They were all so pretty and bright, and DC could feel joy rising in his stomach. He pulled out a purple mermaid hair wig and held it in his hands, running his fingers through the texture of the fake hair.
"Before you try it on you need a wig cap." California announced reaching into the bag and pulling out a small package. He ripped it open and before he knew it, DC felt something squeezing his head.
"You look like Mr. Clean, darlin'." Louisiana teased.
"Ready? I think I got the right size." California asked taking the wig from DC. DC nodded and in a swift motion he felt something else get added to his head. For a while no one spoke.
"Oh no, it is bad?" DC asked fearfully.
"Holy. Shit." Florida whispered.
"Baby....you look amazing." California whispered.
"Do I?" DC asked as Louisiana quickly left the living room.
"That color suits you!" California said with a grin as Louisiana returned with a small hand held mirror.
"Take a look darlin'." Louisiana said gently handing DC the mirror. DC glanced at himself in the mirror and his mouth dropped. The wig would have to be styled and fitted to fit him, but for the first time in his life, he felt.....comfortable, with who he was. The happy feeling in his stomach exploded and suddenly he was grinning ear to ear, gently stimming against his leg.
"I look BEAUTIFUL." DC gasped unable to cope with how happy he was feeling. Florida hugged him tight and California was clearly trying to hold back his own tears.
"You suit it well, darlin'. God we're so lucky to have you." Louisiana whispered kissing DC's head.
"Holy shit, I need to find outfits that go with this-a-and, I need to show Gov and IDC. Wow I really look like IDC with this on." DC rambled.
"And maybe someday you'll be able to dye your hair properly." California said with a soft watery smile, happy his partner was expressing who he really was.
"But this is good for now." DC said leaning forward and kissing California. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
"Anything for you rosie, all I want you to be is comfortable in your own skin." California whispered, taking DC out of Florida's arms as the chaos gremlin jumped up to run to find Texas and New York to demand he come out and see DC.
"I'm much better than I was a year ago." DC whispered against California's chest and California smiled.
DC happy was the only thing he wanted in the world.

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
Narrativa generaleYou know what this is