District had just finished Film Theory and was just going off to meet some friends for lunch, when the notification came on their phone.
"Protestors storm Capitol; DC mayor calls for additional police presence."
Their cousins never showed an ounce of what happened to them that day, but there were small signs it affected them.
District's first thought was immediately their cousins who they knew had gone into the counting not even an hour before, thanks to the last phone call from Gov.
D: But why Gov?
G: Because it's a delicate process and I can't just go on Instagram Live for it DISTRICT.
Sometimes Gov just....stared out the window. Looking out at the park outside of the office, just....saying nothing. Doing nothing. He'd often have his coffee in his hands but wouldn't even bother taking a sip, just lost in his own thoughts.
Washington said, Gov was the first out of the three to get out of the room and into one of the secret bunkers at the Capitol. He nearly didn't make it in on time because he kept looking back for IDC and DC. Gov could still hear the terrifying glass breaking and shouting sometimes in his head.
Then campus police came around and ordered everyone in their dorms, but District's only thought was getting to the Capitol and helping their cousins. They played nice like they were going to go back, but did a hard turn last minute and dashed off towards the mall, which was already being closed down.
IDC never wanted to be away from DC too long. Sometimes she purposely made up a problem with paperwork or a foreign dignity just so she could check to make sure he was in his office. During meetings sometimes, DC would jump and look down and see IDC tugging at his shirt, making sure he really was beside her.
At the very last minute, IDC made it to the bunker with Gov but the relief turned to panic when they realized DC wasn't with her. She begged, she pleaded with the officer to re-open the door but the officer refused saying it was now secure. Gov and IDC didn't know if DC had made it for six whole hours.
District only really got as far as the entrance to the mall, because as soon as they crossed the threshold they were stopped by police officers, telling them to turn around. District tried to assert their authority, telling the police officers that their cousins worked in the Capitol, but the officers wouldn't hear it. The political science major had no choice but to turn around, hoping the insurrection would sometime soon.
DC had more meltdowns about his phone then usual. Even if it was just going to the bathroom or hanging with his boyfriends, DC needed his phone on him at all costs. New York secretly confided in District they were thinking of getting him a toy phone so he could hold it in his hand as a stim, but the amount of times they had to turn around from going somewhere as mundane as the grocery store because DC left his phone was getting ridiculous.
DC dropped his phone in the madness trying to get out of the Senate hall, and couldn't go back in to get it. That coupled with getting separated from his twin and cousin, and unable to call his boyfriends lead to a major shut down in one of the bunkers. Luckily AOC was very kind to him, and helped him get through it, but DC couldn't get out of it until he finally saw IDC and Gov again.
Six hours. District waited for six hours for news of their cousins. They fielded phone calls from their mother, talking about how awful the invasion was although 'if they hadn't done those mail in votes, maybe people wouldn't be so bad', and not a word of worry for their family members. District was about to give up and go back to the mall to demand to see them when their phone, the best song in the world, went off.
January 6th changed them all. There was no going back from it. District was determined to finish their degree and work in politics so their cousins would never have to face a day like that again.
It was the least they could do for the best family members you could ask for.

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
General FictionYou know what this is