brain stop it

87 8 10

mention of abuse tw mentions of wanting to die tw 

DC swirled the beer around in his bottle, trying hard not to break down. It had been a rough day to say the least, not only was he swamped with paperwork, Gov up his ass, and having to run back and forth from the White House, but his father also graced everyone with his presence. Confederation was his normal pleasant self, passively aggressively complimenting IDC while hammering DC with what he was doing wrong. DC never felt as low as he felt right now, the words hurting worse then any punch his father had thrown. He came home earlier than usual, thankful the house was mostly cleared out so he could sit in the kitchen in peace and mull over his thoughts without his boyfriends or the other states worrying over him.

The fed took a swig of his beer as a door down the hall opened and shut and Georgia came trudging into the kitchen with a coffee mug. He paused in the doorway, confused at the sight of DC.

"DC? I thought you were coming home Saturday." Georgia pointed out. DC shrugged and swallowed his beer.

"Made an executive decision." DC muttered putting the beer back on the kitchen island. George walked into the kitchen and placed his mug under the coffee machine before turning back to DC.

"What happened?" Georgia asked. DC took a deep breath.

"Sir came to visit." DC whispered.

"Sir? Oh." Georgia whispeed eyes wide.

"He couldn't stop talking about what I was doing wrong, and how I was a failure as his son. In front of Gov, in front of politicians!" DC said with a sigh tugging at his hair.

"DC you know that's not true." Georgia pointed out.

"Easy for you to say, he's not your father." DC muttered. He snickered a little. "Y'know what else he said? He said he wished IDC was a boy because she was a better government than I could ever be, and....that...."

"You don't have to finish that sentence." Georgia said gently but DC shook his head.

"He said he wished I died with mom." DC said with a whimper not even fighting the tears anymore. Georgia was stunned; he knew Spain was a bad dad with Florida, he knew England was horrifically abusive to New York, that California's parents abandoned him because he wasn't deemed useful, Texas had a ton of religious trauma, and Louisiana's mom sold him the second she had a chance, but none of them were as mentally abusive as Confederation was.

"And God it's so true. I should've just died when I was a kid, let Gov in charge." DC cried trying to wipe away the tears.

"What he's saying isn't true DC." Georgia pointed out.

"It is. It is." DC cried. Georgia bit his lip and looked around the kitchen desperate to find something to cheer DC up. His eyes fell on a bag of peaches he bought with Kentucky at the local farm stand in town, and he smiled.

"Hey peaches." Georgia said. "Have you ever made a peach cobbler before?"

"I-I don't think so." DC sniffed.

"C'mon, I'll teach ya. It outta turn those tears into a smile." Georgia said with a smile. DC sniffed again and smiled shakily up at Georgia.

"Alright. Let's try it."

DC put the peach cobbler in the middle of the table and smiled broadly.

"It looks so good." DC said with a whisper before grabbing his fork. Before he was able to dive into the dessert, a hand gently reached over and grabbed him.

"Now peaches, the cobblers still too hot." Georgia said with a small smile.

"Aw but it smells so good." DC whined. Georgia chuckled and patted DC on the shoulder.

"Your boyfriends are gonna love it." Georgia said with a soft whisper.

"I like baking." DC announced. "Sir never let me do it because he deemed it too 'womanly' but....I love it."

"You know you don't have to call him 'sir'." Georgia pointed out. "He doesn't deserve to be called that."

"It's how I was taught." DC said with a shrug. "It was never 'dad' it was 'sir'."

"But did he earn that?" Georgia asked.

"N-No...he was a dick." DC muttered looking at the cobbler still cooling. "Always....making me work....and....never letting me have friends. Abandoning me and IDC at nine and....blaming me for my mother's death. Was it my fault that he made mom have another baby after having twins? Hey s-Confederation, spoiler alert, it was the eighteenth century of course she was going to die! And guess what, the baby was a girl and she died so whose fault was that?" Georgia watched fearfully as DC continued to rant.

"Hey Confederation, I didn't ask to be deemed the 'American government', I was just a goddamn kid! A kid who wanted their dad! I shouldn't of been studying at three and having to miss out on every fucking holiday! I shouldn't have had to depend on my sister for love and care when it should've been provided by you! My sister shouldn't of had to grow up from an early age because you said fuck it and left us! Now you think you can just come in and out of our lives and tell us how to live them? Why don't you do the only useful thing you've ever done in your life and FUCK OFF AGAIN." DC screamed, throwing the fork down.

"It's okay DC." Georgia whispered cautionless putting a hand on DC's jacket, carefully not to fully touch him in fear that he didn't want to be touched.

"I've....I've wanted to die...since I was....six years old....and he nearly drove me to it....several times...." DC cried. "The only reason....I haven' because....I have....people who....I love so dearly...." Georgia didn't hesitate, he quickly grabbed DC and brought him close, letting the fed cry. He rubbed DC's back as he sobbed into his shirt, not minding at all the dampness that seemed through.

"Peaches? I'm proud of you." Georgia whispered. DC's head snapped up.

"W-What did you say?" DC whispered.

"I'm proud of you." Georgia said again. DC's eyes went as wide as saucers and he let out a strangled cry as he reburied his head again.

Nothing else had to be said. 

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More AngstWhere stories live. Discover now