DC swallowed a part of his pastry and looked up at Texas who was just staring at him.
"I just like looking at you." Texas admitted with a soft smile making DC blush. It had been a rough few weeks for DC; it seemed like everyday a new anti-trans bill was showing up on his desk, despite IDC and Gov actively trying to keep him from seeing them. DC would read each bill and cry; cry for the kids affected, cry out of frustration that politicians were damned determined to kill people, and cry out of fear for his, California's, and District's lives.
He'd go home every week and yell at the states with the bills; most dug their heels in while others argued they were actively fighting against them. Texas said he and Austin were trying their damndest to stop their own bill, while Florida seemed shocked that his own government passed their own anti-trans bill.
DC spent a lot of time crying with California, wondering if he should closet himself again, California begging him not to, saying that at times like these, he needed to be out.
A weekend getaway was needed, and Austin invited DC and Texas to stay at his house (and Austin was a very LGTBA+ safe city). Texas didn't even grumble that much, he knew DC needed it and Austin wouldn't even be there, choosing to go to Washington to spend some time with Gov.
DC put his fork down and tugged at the sleeve of the flowery blouse he wore.
"I....I don't know if I should've worn this." DC muttered.
"You look fine sugar." Texas said, taking DC's hand. "The antique shop clerk loved your shirt."
"Yeah and she sold me five others." DC said with a giggle, kicking his bag with his foot.
"You're safe here with me baby. I promise." Texas whispered, rubbing DC's knuckles with his thumb. DC smiled softly before a shadow fell over him.
"Sorry for disturbing you." A soft voice announced making DC look up. A group of kids stood before him; some dressed in vintage clothing, others full e-girl/goth, some in pastels, some in typical teenager clothes, but all looking at DC in amazement.
"Where'd you get that top?" The leader asked.
"Oh. It was my sisters, she gives me what she doesn't want." DC explained.
"It's so pretty, very vintage." Another kid announced.
"Very pog." Another added from the back.
"Very what?" Texas asked, finally drawing the kids attention to him. DC sensed the teenagers discomfort and quickly jumped in.
"It's okay, we're together." DC announced taking Texas's hand. "He's one of my partners."
"Alphabet mafia?" The leader asked, making DC smile and making Texas look confused.
"Alphabet mafia. I'm lucky, I got two." DC announced.
"I'm Susan, that's Ricky, Alyssa, and Princess." Susan announced introducing the group.
"I'm Dee."
"Stephen." Texas announced. The states had learned long ago not to use their state names, in fear of freaking humans out.
"This is going to sound forward, but do you want a pin? I've got a ton." Susan asked, mentioning towards their pin on their blouse with 'they/them' on it.
"Do you....do you have he/they/she?" DC asked nervously.
"Do I?" Susan said with a laugh, digging into their bag and pulling out a pastel teal pin with the pronouns on them.
"Thank you! How much?" DC asked taking the pin and going for his wallet.
"You don't have to pay me, free for alphabet mafia members." Susan said with a smile.
"You got any of 'em he/him?" Texas asked shocking DC. Texas was, of course, supportive of his partners pronouns and gender identities but was still unlearning old habits. He was working on it and that's all that mattered.
"Sure." Susan said slightly nervously, digging into their bag and pulling out a he/him pin. Texas took the pin and put it proudly on his hat, making DC choke a little in happiness. After a few more minutes of talking to the kids, the group left, leaving the couple alone again.
"They seemed nice." Texas said taking DC's hand again. DC stared down at his half-eaten pastry, still in shock.
"Sugar?" Texas asked.
"Those kids....they....." DC swallowed hard. "I can't go back in the closet, they...."
"You now know what you're fighting for." Texas finished, squeezing DC's hand. DC looked up at Texas with watery eyes and smiled.
"They're my people."
DC swallowed his coffee as he approached his office, ears tuning to hushed voices inside as he approached.
"Get it off his desk I'll take it." Gov hissed grabbing the folder.
"No I will!" IDC yelled reaching over to grab the folder from her cousin.
"Hey." DC called making his family freeze. "What's that?"
"Oh just....business reports." Gov lied smiling. DC sighed.
"Another anti-trans bill?" DC asked.
"DeeDee, we'll handle it." IDC announced.
"No. Leave it." DC ordered approaching his desk.
"DC you don't need to." Gov pointed out putting the folder back as DC sat down.
"I met some kids this weekend, they were just like me only they figured out who they were before I ever could." DC explained opening the folder.
"But DeeDee...."
"I can't back down from this." DC announced. "I need to fight for them."
"And yourself." Gov pointed out squeezing his cousin's shoulder.
"We'll win DC." IDC said leaning on his desk. "We won against anti-gay policies and we'll win against this."
"We will." DC said with a smile before taking out one of the papers. "Let's get to work."