DC stood in the doorway leading into the meeting room, watching some of the southern states playing poker. Florida kept digging into his hat for new cards, and DC couldn't see why the other southern states couldn't see him. He took a deep breath, trying to stop his heart from thundering.
"Dia." DC whispered. Nothing, no one heard him. DC nearly turned and left, cowering out for another day when he heard South Carolina speak.
"Florida, DC is here for you." South Carolina announced. DC cursed. Florida turned around grinning brightly.
"Hey Dee! I promise I'm not betting off any of your things." Florida announced.
"No that's fine I, can I talk to you?" DC asked. Florida's expression suddenly went serious, and he sat up in his chair.
"What's wrong?" Florida asked, and DC's blood went cold. No, he couldn't do this, he wasn't ready. DC shook his head.
"I-It's nothing. I'll tell you tomorrow." DC announced turning and hurrying out of the room. He dashed to his office and slammed the door, panting hard. Stupid, he was so stupid, how could he tell Florida? How could he tell Florida first? DC sighed and walked over to his desk and sat back down to go back to work, when his door opened.
"Dee?" Florida whispered. DC didn't glance up from his paperwork, praying the chaos gremlin would grow bored and walk away.
"Dee what's going on?" Florida asked stepping further into DC's office.
"Nothing. I just had a bit of a cloud in judgement is all." DC muttered working furiously on the paper he was signing.
"Dee something's wrong." Florida pointed out and DC sighed.
"Nothing's wrong."
"Yes there is! Dee please tell me." Florida begged. DC felt tears filling his eyes, burning at the corners and trying so hard not to spill them.
"Dia....." DC whispered clutching his pen tighter.
"If you're worried about something just tell me, I'll help you. I told you, I'd burn down a lot of things for you." Florida explained. DC dropped the pen and dropped his head in his hands, unable to stop his body from shaking.
"This is something you can't fix." DC whimpered. Florida hurried over and knelt at DC's side
"Please Dee." Florida begged, holding his knee.
"I....I'm non-binary." DC cried. This was it, he was coming out. He braced himself for Florida's response. The silence felt like a brick hanging in the air; either Florida was going to start screaming and break up with him now, or tell him to get out of the Statehouse.
"Baby...." Florida whispered reaching up and making DC pick up his head. He looked down at Florida with shiny eyes, the tears continuing to fall.
"Baby I'm so happy you can accept yourself." Florida whispered.
"W-What...but....Dia I....you don't.....hate me?" DC gasped.
"Why would I hate you? I want to hate anyone who made you feel like this." Florida whispered using his thumbs to wipe the tears away from DC's face. DC sniffed and tried to stop his crying, Florida kissing away his tears.
"What are you using?" Florida whispered. "Your pronouns I mean."
"I've....I've been working on it. I've gone through all of them, I guess he/him is fine for now but.....I've been preferring they too some days." DC explained
"You just tell me okay?" Florida whispered. DC nodded and Florida pecked him gently on the lips.
"Do you want me with you when you tell the others?" Florida asked.
"I-I'll be okay for now. I haven't figured that part out yet." DC said with a wet laugh making Florida laugh as well.
"FLORIDA." The two looked up to see Tennessee standing in the doorway glaring at him.
"You have a full hand waiting, you don't have time to condole with your boyfriend." Tennessee yelled.
"Y'know what, I was counting cards anyway." Florida mocked standing up and dumping all the cards out of his hat. "It was a dumb game, I'm off to have ice cream with Dee."
"Dia I have a lot of work." DC pointed out before Florida knelt down.
"Baby you just came out about something that's taken you ions to admit, I'm buying you some goddamn ice cream." Florida hissed making DC blush. He helped DC up and they walked out of his office together.
"By the way, can I still call you boyfriend?" Florida asked.
"You can call me whatever you like Dia." DC said with a smile stopping Florida and looping his arms around Florida's neck.
"I'm so glad I came out to you first."

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
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