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homophobic and transphobic language tw//

"Nah, sha you don't eat it with a fork." Louisiana chastised on a park bench on the boardwalk. "You gotta eat it with ya hands, get dirty."

"I just bought this shirt." DC pointed out chewing on a piece of fried shrimp.

"Darlin' no one cares." Louisiana said with a laugh and DC threw a napkin playfully at his boyfriend. The two had gone out on one of their dates at the boardwalk, and DC was planning on telling Louisiana that he was non-binary tonight. He didn't know if Louisiana had picked up on small things already like DC becoming a little more confident to wear feminine (professional) outfits around the house or even playing a little bit more with make-up. Or the fact that California was spending a lot of time with him going over which pronouns felt right or that Florida was constantly practicing and yelling at the states who misgendered him.

Truth to be told, DC was nervous, he had gotten reassurances from Florida and California that Louisiana would be just as accepting as they were but his gut told him not to be too sure of that.

The fact that Louisiana hadn't said anything about DC actually wearing make-up out of the house made him worry even more.

"Tell ya what." Louisiana said with a grin standing up. "I'll get you some more napkins and then I can show you how to really wolf this down."

"Okay papa." DC teased as Louisiana kissed him before walking away. DC went back to eating his fried shrimp, with a fork thank you very much, and trying to figure out how to come out to his Cajun boyfriend.

"Hey! Femme boy!" A voice screamed on the beach and DC rolled his eyes. Why did the beach douches have to come out so late at night? DC just ignored them and continued eating his sandwich, but the yelling just got louder.

"I'm talking to you faggot!" The voice yelled.

"Just ignore them DC, they're just stupid." DC thought. He gasped in surprise when his sandwich was ripped out of his hands and the beach douches stood tall above him.

"What you can't hear too faggot?" One of the douches asked.

"Don't you have something better to do?" DC asked before feeling himself forced up.

"Aww look boys! Pretty boys got his makeup on!" Another douche said with a laugh, holding DC's arms so he couldn't get away.

"Just let me go!" DC yelled struggling against the hold.

"Dwaaah did your little butt buddy help you put it on?" The first douche asked. DC felt sick, he knew this was a mistake putting on a look but California was so encouraging and even helped him with some of the eyeliner.

"Please! Just let me go!" DC begged.

"Hey do you identify as an attack copter? Oooh, maybe as a tree?" The first douche laughed.

"GOD JUST SHUT UP." DC screamed feeling tears burn in his eyes. It was bad enough hearing that shit back in Washington, but to hear it right in his face stung worse than anything. He yelped as a force hit his stomach and crumbled to his knees, clutching his torso.

"They should just kill you all at birth, save the rest of us from seeing you." The second douche hissed. DC tried to respond but just choked out his breath, the pain in his stomach becoming too unbearable.

"Maybe we can beat some manliness back into you." Another douche announced drawing back ready to punch. DC shut his eyes and prayed the group would be quick when a loud noise forced them back open. All the beach douches were on the ground in various degrees of hurt and Louisiana stood tall in front of DC looking angrier than the fed had ever seen them.

"That was messed up man!" The leader of the douches screamed as the rest got up and began hurrying off.

"IF YOU EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN YOU'LL GET MORE OF AN ASS WHOOPING." Louisiana screamed making sure the group was out of sight before helping DC up.

"Darlin' did they hurt you?" Louisiana whispered.

"No....no I....." DC tried to calm his breathing, the words of the douches spinning in his head. "It was my fault...."

"Sha no it wasn't...."

"If I didn't wear this out of the house....they would've left me alone." DC groaned.

"Darlin' you listen to me, you wanna wear make-up out of the house, any of those pretty outfits you share with poppy, anything, you deserve to. Just because you don't identify with your biological gender doesn't make you less of a person." Louisiana announced. DC's eyes went wide and he looked up at Louisiana.

"Loui you....."

"I figured it out darlin' but I wanted you to say something, it's your life." Louisiana whispered touching DC's cheek. DC felt so overwhelmed, his heart was filled with so much joy.

"Whatever you chose to be, I support you one hundred percent." Louisiana whispered and DC felt himself slowly start to cry. How did he get so lucky to have three great supportive boyfriends?


"Don't cry darlin....you'll mess up your look..." Louisiana whispered wiping DC's tears away. "Let's go get you another sandwich."

"Okay." DC said softly leaning in to kiss Louisiana. The two shared a soft kiss for a moment before Louisiana helped DC up and the two started back towards the shop. DC smiled as he felt Louisiana grip his hand a little tighter than usual. He had nothing to worry about after all. 

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More AngstWhere stories live. Discover now