Mother's Day wasn't really celebrated among the states.
If the states had mother's they were either just as abusive as their father's, using them for their resources, or neglectful so they didn't want to celebrate parents who caused them misery for most of their lives.
DC walked into the kitchen tired and sore from sitting hunched over on his desk all day. His five partners were gathered around the kitchen island chatting as DC shuffled over to the coffee machine, ears perking up to the conversation.
"Then she calls me up and asked me what I'm getting her for mother's day, can you believe that?" Louisiana ranted.
"At least your mom called." Florida muttered poking at some gray mush on his plate, obviously something he tried to cook himself.
"Mother's Day?" DC mumbled, turning around to face his boyfriends.
"I'm surprised your dad didn't make you bow down to your mother and worship the ground she walked on that day." Texas said.
"No. She never would've allowed that." DC whispered and California elbowed his boyfriend.
"It's a day where you're supposed to honor your mother." New York explained.
"Oh." DC whispered looking down. "I didn't know about that."
"Dee, you've never mentioned your mom before, what's she like?" Florida asked. DC turned around again with the softest smile on her face.
"God she.....she's the most amazing woman." DC whispered. "She had these big pretty brown eyes and......her hugs were so soft. She made me that bunny that's on my bed. WAIT." DC suddenly dashed off to his office and ran back to the kitchen with his phone.
"IDC found an old scrapbook." DC announced holding out his phone and showing his partners. "That's mom with me and IDC."
"WHOA she's gorgeous!" California gasped.
"She looks a lot like you." Texas announced.
"Nah, IDC got her looks." DC said with a giggle. "I barely look like her."
"Hey, you know what we should do darlin? Maybe you can go visit her for Mother's Day." Louisiana suggested gently. DC's smile waved a little and he looked back at his phone.
"Y-Yeah....maybe we can." DC muttered before moving past his boyfriends and going into the living room where Massachusetts and Pennsylvania were cuddling. The five watched as DC chatted to Pennsylvania, who adopted a softer look as the conversation went on. Finally DC went back into the kitchen to re-join his boyfriends.
"Yeah I can head down to Pennsylvania to visit mom, do you all want to come with?" DC asked.
"ROAD TRIP!" Florida cheered.
"You should get a gift for her darlin', flowers or something." Texas suggested rubbing his boyfriend's arm. DC smiled softly.
"Mom would like some fresh flowers." DC said with a smile, although the five could pick up on a hint of sadness in his eyes.
On Saturday the main six left super early to take the long train ride to Pennsylvania to visit DC's mother. The main five noticed that despite DC's cheerful demeanor he always looked sad, like he was ready to cry at any moment. They wanted to ask him all about growing up in the city, about his childhood home, but knowing more about his childhood and being raised by his father, they resisted asking instead making jokes about Pennsylvania himself, watching shows together, or napping in a big heap.

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
General FictionYou know what this is