i will die with my headcanons

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Okay I only have two but I'll die with both

And one of them is non-binary!DC

DC: Listen

DC: If the cis find out we can shapeshift they're going to tell the church 

California: I like that autocorrect changes 'agender' to 'gender'

California: Like no, that's literally the opposite of what I meant ok?

Tennessee:  Why should  LGBT spaces cater to trans and non-binary people? 

Florida: That's the T, cis 

Florida: *tipping his hat to DC* 

Florida: M'theydy 

Mississippi: So are you a guy or a girl?

California: I'm an artist

Mississippi: No I mean what's in your pants?

California: A pencil 

DC: *stares at gender*

Gender: *stares at DC in confusion*

DC: Well that was fun, same time tomorrow?

Florida: You better start respecting trans people

Florida: Or your pronouns are gonna become was/were

California: I was not consumed by the gay agenda

California: I AM the gay agenda 

Some politician: You don't look gay

DC: Well that's a disappointment 

I want a group name for these three like the other three of the main six call them this all the time

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More AngstWhere stories live. Discover now