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DC practicing various types of pronouns secretly, because the main five don't know yet (oh they've made suggestions, but they don't know those suggestions are being considered) 

One day at dinner, DC gets overwhelmed and suddenly just yells "WILL YOU JUST USE THEY FOR NOW" 

It gets quiet, DC mumbles a quick 'I mean nevermind' and quickly gets up to leave

Constantly misgendered back in Washington

Constantly fighting between 'I need to be what my father wants me to be' and 'fuck him, I was never his in the first place'

They're terrified of telling the main five, even though the main five lowkey knows, because uh.....what if they don't accept it


DC with a secret Tik Tok account after Florida shows them what it is and all the Tik Toks are SCREAMING ABOUT GENDER

DC: *All the Leaves are brown* 'Just act like a man'

DC: *All the leaves are brown* 'But I'm not a man'

DC: *And the sky is gray* 'But biologically you're a man'

DC: *All the leaves are brown*'BuT i'M noT a MaN!

DC: *I've been for a walk* YES YOU ARE

DC: *All the leaves are brown* I'M. NOT. A MAN. 

There's a lot of 'I hate dysphoria so much' videos which the user sees nothing but the ceiling and just vent text 

Are there a few videos of DC crying about coming out to the main five/IDC/Gov? Yes. 

Is it ALSO an excuse to show off some hella good make-up skills? Yes. OH YES. 

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More AngstWhere stories live. Discover now