District's mom didn't want DC to tell District about what she calls 'his living arrangement' for the longest time
Because of course she was supportive, of course she was but that was too much for her precious District to understand (District is like....an adult hon)
So for awhile DC was only saying 'yeah I'm seeing someone' not mentioning the main five to keep his aunts wishes
And then.....one day District came into work and the main five were visiting
Why do I feel like District's mom sells MLM products and is mostly passive aggressive to IDC then the boys
I mean she is to the boys but moreso to IDC
Oh and she most deffo uses their real person names
District's mom: George, you're so handsome. It's such a shame...
DC: Please. Don't say it.
District's mom: Are you sure you're gay?
DC: *stares in I'm literally dating five men right now*

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
General FictionYou know what this is