Coloring on my Skin

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DC loved California's tattoos.

Sometimes all he liked to do when they were laying in bed together was trace his fingers over them in wonder, touching them and gazing at all the work.

California really didn't have that many, he only had three, but DC treated them like the most priceless treasures of the world. The sunshine asked DC if he wanted to get some done, which made DC blush hard and then mutter that he couldn't, even if it would be hidden by his jacket sleeves or anything else he wore.

Rules were rules after all.

So California and Florida started making it an extra point to start doodling on their partner, either using gel pens or the fancy markets California could afford. It started as a joke one evening when all three had gotten high and Florida drew an alligator on DC's shoulder, and the fed loved it so much he got upset when it finally washed off. Now sometimes, if they're bored or DC's cuddling with one of them, they'll break out the markers or pens and just start sketching.

DC was asleep on New York as California doodled his latest creation, passed out after a long afternoon of bills, video conferences, and angry phone calls. He didn't even feel California's markers running against his skin, albeit maybe save for a giggle or too.

"Can I look yet?" New York asked.

"You'll wake him up!" California hissed capping his market and opening up another.

"My shoulder is falling asleep." New York whined.

"You love having him sleep on you." California pointed out.

"Well. You're not lying." New York said with a smile looking down at his partner. California continued to sketch as Florida came tumbling in from Louisiana's room, looking for a drink.

"OOOH, we drawing on Dee?" Florida asked excitedly.

"I'm almost done blossom." California muttered trying to stay in concentration.

"Nah." Florida announced pushing his boyfriend away and grabbing one of his markers. "Needs stars."

"FLORIDA." California hissed as Florida dotted stars all around the picture he was doing. He grabbed the chaotic gremlin and pulled him away, retrieving his fallen market.

"Next time you can do the design, you were too busy making out with 'nolia." California pointed out.

"Nuh uh we were playing Mario Kart too!" Florida argued before grabbing California again. The two boyfriends began wrestling each other on the floor of the living room; DC continued to slumper peacefully and New York just watched the fight with a mixture of amusement and boredom on his face.

"I'm so glad you're sleeping through this cherry." New York muttered as Texas came out of his room.

"The hell is going on?" Texas yelled, stopping California and Florida.

"Tex, Cali won't let me finish drawing on Dee's arm!" Florida whined jumping up.

"I nearly finished! He can wait!" California yelled.

"You drew something on sugar? Can I see?" Texas asked. California sighed and looked down at his still sleeping boyfriend, checking over his work.

"Yeah it's done." California muttered sitting back down.

"Cherry." New York whispered gently nudging DC, forcing him awake. DC groaned a little before looking down at his arm. California had drawn a little heart on the inside of his elbow, with the non-binary flag colors inside and sparkles on the outside, courtesy of Florida.

"Wow. That's beautiful." DC whispered gazing up at his boyfriends.

"It should last a while." California said with a smile kissing DC's head.

"Should've added more sparkles." Florida muttered pouting.

"You did good Dia." DC said, making Florida light up.

"Sugar I know a good tattoo parlor in Houston, if you want it done permanently." Texas announced squeezing DC's shoulder.

"Nah, can't for work." DC said with a sad smile before looking down at his arm happily.

"And see it matches mine." California announced rolling up to reveal his own permanent tattoo hearts on his arm; one was the gay pride flag and the other was the agender flag.

"I WANT ONE." Florida announced.

"Can you imagine if we all got matching ones?" New York said with a snicker.

"We're not those couples honeypie." Texas pointed out, although his face was twisted in thought.

"You two are the best y'know that?" DC said with a smile bringing California and Florida in close.

"And remember when you finally can get a tattoo, I call designing it." Florida announced nuzzling DC's face.

"He's not getting an alligator tattoo, Dia." California pointed out.

"But he should." 

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More AngstWhere stories live. Discover now