Small TW with mentions of wanting to die but that's it
The only time the main five saw Florida be serious was when DC was sick.
Florida seemed to take 'DC's health is slightly fragile' to heart because the fed could have the sniffles and suddenly the chaos gremlin was ready with tissues, blankets, medicine, anything to make their boyfriend get better.
DC had just gotten his second dose of the COVID vaccine and he was not doing great. He had been fine all late afternoon and at night, but in the morning it hit him like bricks. The fed had full body shivers, thrown up at least twice, and was so tired he could barely keep his head up. Still he pretended that everything was fine he was fine Georgia, and trudged off to his office, hoping some work would keep him distracted and this feeling would just go away with the day.
By noon DC's head was spinning; he was barely keeping anything down and all he wanted to do was sleep. He tugged at his hair and tried to keep his focus on the document in front of him, the worlds swirling and blurring every time he tried to read it. DC put the document down and put his head in his hands, horrified with how calmly they felt against his skin. Maybe...maybe a small nap, it would do him some good, and then maybe he could get something in his systel to let him work for a few more hours. The fed moved his papers around, leaving a small space to rest his head, got in a comfortable position, and fell asleep.
"DEE?" DC's eyes opened to see Florida, or at least he thought it was Florida, standing in front of him looking worried.
"Dia." DC moaned trying to sit up. "I-Is it dinner already?"
"Dee you've slept for three hours, are you sick?" Florida asked.
" I'm good." DC muttered, finally able to sit up. His entire body ached. DC yelped as Florida put a hand on his forehead, and his expression changed from questioning to concerned.
"Dee you're heating up." Florida whispered.
"Just....the vaccine....I'm fine." DC slurred. He felt bile rise in his throat.
"Dia.....Dia I need the trash bin..." DC moaned. Florida quickly grabbed the trash bin next to DC's desk and gave it to the fed, who emptied his empty stomach into it, shaking as he did it.
"Alright, you're resting." Florida announced putting the bin down. DC didn't even fight his boyfriend, just leaned into Florida for comfort.
"C'mon Dee." Florida whispered kissing DC's sweaty forehead. "There's a nice spot on the couch for you."
DC was very feverish. He both wanted all his clothes on, and wanted them off at the same time, as well with the blanket that was currently tossed on the floor. Florida was doing everything he could; he kept a trash bin next to the couch in case DC needed to throw up, he threw water and Ginger Ale down his throat, rotated the wet face cloths and just held him close. The fed was mumbling incoherently; sometimes Florida could make out some words and sometimes it sounded like Sim speech, it was never truly clear. All Florida knew is that he prayed someone, one of their boyfriends, any other state would come home and help, he felt completely useless.
Florida was currently holding DC, whose fever spiked and was drenched in his own sweat. He secretly wondered if Texas had some truth to his ranting that the vaccine wasn't good when DC suddenly opened his eyes.
"I-I'm s-sorry....." DC shivered teeth chattering.
"Shh Dee it's okay." Florida whispered.
"I....I've had worse...." DC whimpered.
"You need to save your strength." Florida pointed out.
"S-Sir always said I was w-weak..." DC whispered, closing his eyes. "I-I never fought b-back...."
"Dee no. He was wrong...."
"I-I deserved it anyway...." DC mumbled burying his face in Florida's tank.
"Dee please stop." Florida begged.
"God all those years I wanted to die and I could've just waited for the vaccine...." DC said with a soft smile. Florida was full out crying, desperately trying to comfort his boyfriend and quiet the intrusive thoughts that were brought to the surface because of the fever.
"Florida?" Florida glanced up and saw Kentucky standing over them behind the couch.
"I.....I don't know what to do..." Florida whimpered.
"Is this 'cuss of the vaccine?" Kentucky asked. Florida nodded and Kentucky sighed.
"Nese just had that." Kentucky muttered skirting around the couch. "Go get some rest, I'll handle him."
"B-But he...."
"You've done all you could, it's my turn now." Kentucky pointed out gently. Florida nodded and gently moved DC off of him, heart clenching at the whimper he heard when DC was let off his grasp. The chaos gremlin stood up on shaking legs as Kentucky took his place. Kentucky turned to him with a look that said 'go' and Florida went tumbling back to his bedroom closing the door behind him.
He slid down his bedroom door to the floor, put his head in his hands and cried.
DC felt fine the next day, like the fever never even happened. He could joke and laugh with his boyfriends, and yell at the states, like he wasn't deathly ill just one night ago.
But Florida couldn't get his words out of his head; and he held DC's hand a little tighter and cuddled him tight, hoping he could feel how much he was loved, and how much he mattered to everyone.
It's all Florida could do, to silence everything in DC's head.

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
General FictionYou know what this is