the secret vent account

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DC: I shall call it, *I'm a man* twinkle toys

DC: Horsey *Non-binary* 

DC: *I'm a man" Twinkle toys

DC: Horsey! *Non-binary* 



DC: 'My love is there, but I ain't changing my mind' 

DC: *transitions to a bomb ass make-up look* 

DC: *Wanting to talk to boyfriends/family about potentially being nonbinary but scared they'll hate him/think he's more of a burden then he is* 

DC: *knocks* 

DC: That's some bullshit

DC: My gender is what you get when you order 'boy' from Wish 

DC: 'Cuss yeah, it's boy, but there's also something slightly off about it

What will my partners say? What will my family say? I'm already such a burden. I can't burden them with this. I've already pushed it down so much but I don't know how much more I can. I wish I could confidentially say I'm a boy but.....

I'm not. 

I can never tell them. 

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More AngstWhere stories live. Discover now