November 7
" look we've heard nothing out of if I knew I'd tell you wouldn't I?" IDC yelled already one hundred percent done with today and it was only 10:30 in the morning. It had been three days of tantrums, phone calls, and angry people and the three branches of the government were exhausted. IDC had basically said 'fuck it' this morning and came to work in her sweats and an old dirty shirt from Gov since she barely was sleeping nowadays.
She felt how DC felt most days.
"No, let's go, you need sleep." Gov ordered attempting to pick his cousin out of his chair in his own office.
"No...I need to call..." DC mumbled clearly more exhausted than the other two, considering he hadn't been sleeping at all.
"No you don't, you need to sleep." Gov hissed looking worse for wear, but at least attempting more of an effort then IDC, albeit a little more rumbled looking.
"Why are you even calling me anyway? My brother has all the news about the states." IDC pointed out. She whipped around at a shriek from outside, and spied a woman dashing past the government building, looking a bit hysterical followed by a few more people.
"Wait, say that again, some idiots are running outside of my office." IDC muttered turning back to her phone.
"I have a couch in my office, you can sleep there!" Gov hissed attempting to get his cousin up.
"Mmm....Dia...." DC muttered falling asleep as someone ran into the doorway.
"GUYS." District yelled looking excited.
"Not now District." Gov hissed pulling DC up.
"But they just cal...." DC's head jerked up when he heard his phone ringing and he quickly answered it.
"DC." DC mumbled, wiping his eyes. "Tex, Tex love, calm down what's going on?"
"God hang on I got another call." IDC groaned hitting the call waiting button. "WHAT Washington?"
"What?" DC yelled suddenly fully awake.
"T-They....they didn't..." IDC whispered quickly going into her news app.
"THEY CALLED PENNSYLVANIA." District announced as DC jumped up.
"HOLY FUCK." IDC yelled, dropping the phone and turning to look outside where more people were dashing by, obviously gathering somewhere in the mall.
"Holy shit. It's over." Gov whispered, collapsing in the chair next to DC's desk.
"Love you can't be messing with me." DC ordered. He froze. "No none of you need to come here, FLORIDA NO." Outside in the hallway of the offices, loud whoops and cheers came from various workers and politicans as well as a few 'it ain't over' and 'RIGGED' shouts that were drowned out by the cheers. Gov got his wits back about him and dashed out of DC's office, joining the chaos in the hall.
"GOVIE." Gov's head snapped around and he saw Austin standing in a sea of thrown papers and broken chairs.
"Govie did you hear? They called it!" Austin cheered. Gov didn't say anything, just took two steps over, dipped Austin, and kissed him deeply.
"We were watching it all night and the second Pennsylvania called we knew we had to tell you!" Florida announced as Louisiana held DC tight in his arms.
"This isn't fake? This is real?" DC asked slightly overcome with emotion.
"It's real cherry. Biden's president." New York said with a rare smile on his face. DC laughed wetly and leaned in to kiss Louisiana as the celebrations went on around them. IDC grabbed her cell phone and dialed a number on top of her contacts list, bouncing on the heels of her feet as it rang.
"BG? BG we did it! Pennsylvania got called! We're free!" IDC cried feeling her own tears burn in her eyes.
"This calls for a celebration!" Florida announced.
"I think this calls for a nap, rosie looks like he hasn't slept in two days." California pointed out.
"What? I'm fiiiine." DC laughed. "I am trying to figure out which California to talk to though."
"A nap." All five boyfriends said before practically dragging DC out of his office.
"Wow if you're that good of a kisser when Trump is voted out I can't wait to see what happens when Biden is elected." Austin announced breathlessly as Gov broke the kiss.
"Oh baby." Gov said with a grin. "You ain't seen nothing yet."

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More Angst
General FictionYou know what this is