Chapter 10- Jake

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Chapter 10- Jake

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”~ Albert Camus

I slowly make my way to school. It’s going to be the same old. Going to have to pretend to be happy, smile a fake smile, and make my laugh believable. I wish I didn’t have to go to school but it’s my only escape from my reality and that bastard thinks that if I don’t turn up people will get suspicious. As if anybody would actually take the time to notice and care.

I walk through the school gates. Every day is the same. Jess and her crew are always at the bottom of the drive, at the top of the drove are Henry and his little perverted group. Then we have all the other groups; Hannah and her two best friends Jake and Phoebe, then the Asian Crew as they like to call themselves, then right by the tree the schools slags and bitches.

I walk over to the library doors. This is where I always meet my best and only friend Rhiannon.

I moved new to this school just a couple of months ago. Mother said that we had to move because she 'couldn't cope.' At first I was angry at mother but then I realised that she needed a fresh start so I agreed... But now I wish I had stayed behind, I don’t fit in here; I joined just after Christmas so everyone was already in their little groups and everyone had their own friends, nobody wanted the creepy new girl.

I knew it was going to be hard but I thought that in the end everything would be alright...More fool me. I'm still the freak or the new girl.

Rhiannon was the only one that used to speak to me. She was in all my lessons and she used to always try and make conversation with me. At first I never wanted to know. I wanted to be by myself but she just wouldn’t give up and well eating in the cafeteria alone was not very fun and everyone used to stare. Rhiannon was someone everyone liked but she wasn’t very fond of them, she thought that they stereotyped everyone and that they group everyone into a certain category. She believed that you should be open minded and give everyone a chance. After a couple of weeks we began to hang out all the time, Rhiannon...She used to get me, understand me. I used to tell her how I felt as I started to trust her, but I didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth. I was scared that once she knew she would judge me and she would tell everyone and she would hate me. I was scared Rob would find out I told someone. We all know what that would mean. I just couldn't lose Rhiannon. She was all I really had left.

 I wait and wait for Rhiannon. She still hasn’t turned up. I can see everyone going to their form classes. I check my phone to see if she left me any messages. None. Where is she?

After waiting for another few minutes I walk to form. She isn't here today. But she's always here. Why didn't she text me or anything. God I hope nothing has happened to her.

"Miss Anna Edwards? Are you here?"

"Oh. Yes...Here sir" Even though I wish I wasn’t.

The bell rings signalling the end of form time and the start of period one; art.

I slowly walk to lesson one-Art. I can hear all the chatter around me.

"Move out my way you bitch!" The boy shoves past me and I can hear all his friends laughing in the background. Idiots

I slowly go into art I glance quickly at Rhiannon’s seat hoping she would be there. I’m disappointed. The first three lessons go past flying.

After lunch I make my way to History.

Don't worry Anna. Just two more hours left.

I made my way to the back to my seat. Once the class settled down Miss started speaking.

The door opened and hope jumped into my heart. Oh.

"Ah perfect timing."

It’s a boy. He was a beautiful golden colour, he had green-grey eyes. He has his hair up in a quiff. His features are perfect. He smiles at miss. His teeth are perfect, his smile is perfect. His clothes are very casual. He is beautiful, he is perfect...He is beautifully perfect.

"Class, please welcome Bavalon High's newest student...Jake."

A/N: Hey guys! Just wanna thank you all for reading! Erm please fan me? And please vote&comment! Also follow me on twitter: Samsam_Maynard

LoveYou x


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