Chapter 22- Mistakes Happen

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Chapter 22- Mistakes Happen

Explore. Dream. Discover.”~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.

No-one speaks. Nobody knows what to say. The awkward silence takes over the entire room. I feel like I should say something, explain this whole situation but I just can't speak. My brain can't form the words. A few minutes pass before the agonising silence is shattered.

"This isn't..." Jake started but before he could even speak Conor cut him off.

"Well what is this then? Actually please tell me what this looks like."

"Conor..." I started off in a whisper. I feel tears forming in my eyes.

"No Anna, I'm talking to him. Please Jake explain, because to me it looks like you were hitting on my girl, trying to kiss her and it looks like if I weren't to walk in that is exactly what would of happened and God knows what else. But please I don't want to accuse you of such things so please tell what this looks like and please explain what was happening here."

"Conor please..." I once again whisper.

"Anna shut up."

"Look mate-"

"I am not your mate!"

"Ok, Conor... I was just asking Anna for help."

"HELP?! WHAT HELP WAS THAT?" He laughs a humourless laugh. "Was she helping you check if your lips were soft enough or something?!"

"No... I'm just nervous. There is this girl I like and I wasn't sure... You know... If I was good enough..."

"Ha! So you thought you'd try on Anna? So you just meet her again and you try to kiss her to see if you are good enough?"

"Well... Yeah."

I try to speak. I try to tell them to stop. I want to tell Conor the truth but I just can't.

"Well mate, I suggest next time you don't try on my girl or else I will rip you apart limb my limb. Now get the fuck out."

"Conor!" I scream louder than I had intended. Conor's eyes shoot up to look at me. So many feelings and emotions are evidently shown. First shock, then confusion, then anger and finally hurt. "You can't just go kicking people out my house! Jake is my friend and there is no way I am letting you speak to him like that!"

"Anna..." Jake warns "Seriously, it’s cool and he is right. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry, both of you." He gets up and starts heading toward the door.

"Jake don't! You are my friend not his! You don't have to go." I know I shouldn't be saying all this but I can't help myself. Who does he think he is? He has only been in my life five minutes and he already thinks he can control my life.

"You're defending him?" I can hear the hurt in his voice. "He has only been back not even a day and it’s him over me?"

"And you've only been here for five minutes Conor! Gosh. You are acting as if you have been around for years, controlling my life!"

"I'm your boyfriend!"

"Yeah! Only just! It hasn't even been 48 hours Conor! I hardly call that a long-term relationship!" I know I should stop but I can't stop.

"So what?! I'm just some fling for you?" I look up into his eyes and I know I don't have to swim too far in to see the hurt in his eyes.

"No... I don't know."

He licks his lips before pulling them into his mouth.

"Good to know... Babe." And before I can even respond he walks out the front door leaving me to deal with my splitting heart all alone.

Once again the silence takes over the room. I felt like I can't breathe, I feel like I am stuck to the floor.

"Anna..." Jake slices through the silence.

"Just go..." I barely whisper. But I know he heard because I hear the front door close and am left with the full silence of my house. I continue to stand there. I try to replay what had just happened. But only one thought is running through my head; Are we over?

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing. I walk over to it and when I se Mikayla's name flash across I debate internally whether to answer or not. I slide my finger across declining the call before heading upstairs. I strip myself of all my clothes, slip into some comfy sweatpants and vest top and falling into the comforting arms of my bed.

I don't bother trying to hold back my tears as I cry to myself while letting my thoughts consume me.

Why was I so damn stupid? Why didn't I just stop? I had to just ruin everything. He's gonna hate me now. Why didn't I stop the kiss before; before we were that close! If I lose him... Gosh I barely know him and I feel like I'm dying over an argument. I've only just met him so why am I hurting so much? I wish he was here right now. He was right; Why did I defend Jake over him? I mean I am thankful he lied for me and all but Conor... He's my boyfriend… And I... I... Love him? Like him? I've fallen for him, so damn bad. Just a few days that's all it took. God I really am a fool aren't I? Please Conor, forgive me. I am so sorry.

I cry to myself into my pillow as they catch my tears. I curl myself into a ball crying for him.

Conor what have you done to me?

A/N. Sorry I know it's short, but I had to update! Anth will be in the next chapter... Maybe. I know this was probably boring but please remember this chapter because it is IMPORTANT for later on.

It’s a short authors note.

P.S. I will be updating FALL AND PICTURES DEFINITELY THIS WEEK. So heads up to anyone who reads them! ;)


LoveYou x


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