Chapter 39- Accusations

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Chapter 39- Accusations

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”~ Oscar Wilde


I giggle as Conor wraps his arms around my waist and places gentle kisses along my jaw line. "Not now Con. I'm trying to wash up."

He groans into my neck. "That can wait but I can't. Come on, let's go back to bed."

I giggle again at his behaviour. "Sorry babe. Can't do, and I thought the plan was to get some fresh air today?"

"We'll open the bedroom window." I can't help but let out a bark of laughter at his comment. I continue laughing hysterically, not noticing how Conor has taken a step back. I lean my head against the sink as my body shakes with laughter. I stand up and attempt to stop laughing. I pull my lips into my mouth in attempts to stop laughing but fail seconds later. The laughter bursts through and I find myself bending down laughing in the kitchen.

Minutes later I find myself able to stop with only chuckles coming through. I look up to see Conor just looking at me in amusement. Silence fills the air as we just watch each other; a smile never leaving our faces. He walks towards me before placing his palm on my cheek. He strokes his thumb gently across my cheek before whispering, "You are so beautiful."

I blush at his words before muttering an awkward thank you. It's weird to think that even after all this time he can still manage to make me feel this way. I smile at him and then tiptoe to give his cheek a kiss. "No go away! Let me finish my housework then we can spend all day together."

I hear him groan before he turns on his heel and leaves me alone to do my work. I hear him mumble something along the lines of "This is why she should live with me or let me get herself a maid."

I can't help but chuckle at his weird innocence. I finish tidying the kitchen within 20 minutes. I walk out looking for Conor but find him nowhere. I sigh to myself. Obviously he would leave without telling me. I run upstairs and grab my bed from my phone. I debate internally on whether or not I should call Conor. After the curiosity burning me alive, I decide to call him, He picks up after eight and a half rings.


"Hey babe, I was just wondering where you went off to? You didn't say bye."

"Oh, yeah sorry. I er got an emergency call. I should be back in a bit."

"Oh. Er okay. What time?"

"In about an hour max. Be ready by then, I'll swing by and pick you up."

"Where are you taking me?"


"Why?" I ask sceptically.

"Can't I treat my girl to lunch without a reason?" I giggle.

"Yes you may."

"Well I have to go baby. Talk soon." Before I can even reply he hangs up.

I stare at the phone before flinging it onto my bed. I decide on a shower.

Once in the comforts on the shower I allow myself to relax. I start to wonder about where Conor has gone. I mean he just got up and left without even saying goodbye. What could have been that much of a surprise that he couldn't yell one word to me? Maybe he didn't want me to know he has left. How much can I bet he is with a girl right now?

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