Chapter 41- Rest In Peace

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  • Dedicated to All Our Loved Ones

Chapter 41- Rest In Peace

"Never wait til tomorrow to tell someone you love them, for who knows if tomorrow will come to you."~ Samirah Zaman

Jake's POV

I stare at my reflection in the mirror; the black blinding my sight. My suit fitting my body perfectly. I run my hand through my already messed hair before letting out a deep breath. I feel my tears brim in my eyes as realisation hits me. Today is Peter's funeral. These last few days have been nothing but depressing and mournful. We have all participated in trying to organise his funeral; all except Anna and Mikayla. They have both taken this so much harder than the rest of us, but then again nobody was expecting anything less. They have been together the longest I guess. Both of them stay seated all day staring at nothing in particular. Neither eat nor speak. Just stay stationary. We have all tried to comfort them but nothing works. None of us lads nor the girls.

I see how much it pains the guys to lose Peter. In all honesty, out of all of us he deserved this fate the least. He was a good guy. We may never have had such a tight friendship but he was a friend to me and a brother when I needed someone other than Anna to turn to. The girls are no better either. Kayla randomly starts crying talking about how unfair life is whereas Armani tries to be the strong one and is trying to keep us all alive and breathing. She cooks for us all and in some ways tries to cheer us all up... But I hear her. I hear her silent sobs in the night and it kills me that I can't go to her and comfort her. Why? I'm scared of rejection.

I give my suit blazer one last tug as I make my way out of the room. Once down the stairs I join everyone in the living room. From what I have learnt these last few days Peter has no family. No-one. My eyes run over everyone and finally last on the one person I am looking for. She looks down at the beige carpet as she tangles and untangles her fingers together. I take in her black pencil skirt with her black ruffled top. Her hair taken back and pinned there. Still beautiful. I snap my head out of those thoughts. I can't fall for her. I just can't. Mikayla joins us minutes later and we all leave the house. I see and Conor takes Anna's hand as they leave. I soon follow them and as I do I fall in step with Armani. I reach my hand out slowly before retracting it. I can't. Instead I walk slightly ahead of her, not looking back.

Anna's POV

I grip onto his hand as a form of reassurance and I see him giving me a small smile.

"You know, my hand will break if you keep gripping onto it like that?" I can't help the small smile that breaks out onto my face.

"I'm sorry." I make my grip looser but make sure that I still have a good grip on him.

"How are things going then? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." I can't help but roll my eyes at his exaggeration.

"Always had the habit of exaggerating haven't you? Things have been going good. Me and Conor are still together. Just the other day he took me out of town, just to spoil me. What did I ever do to deserve him eh? He is so amazing that sometimes I feel like I need to let him go. Just so he can find someone who is worthy of him, and before you give me a pep talk this isn't me not feeling good about myself, it's just how I feel. He does so much to make me happy... I mean he takes me everywhere to take my mind off... you," My voice fades into a whisper.

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