Chapter 49- Secrets

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Chapter 49- Secrets

"Tell me what we got to fear. We'll take it to the sky, past the moon to the galaxy as long as you're with me baby. Honestly with the strength of our love we can go nowhere but up."~ Justin Bieber

Austin's POV

I sigh to myself as I stare up at my plain white ceiling. Everything from that day runs through my head and as always I feel tears brim in my eyes. How could I be so stupid? I want to punch myself for being so thoughtless and selfish. He was my mate and I betrayed him on his special day. I took advantage of her. She was hurting and was desperate for some kind of attention and I gave her the wrong kind.

I turn over to myself. I look at my bedside clock and see it's now half one. I close my eyes hope to push everything away. I just want everything to go back to normal. I wish she could look at me like before. I wish she would joke around with me. I wish she would shove me around and tease me about how her standards are higher than me. I feel my heart strings tug. A familiar pain hits me and this time I don't try and hold my tears.

I can't do this to him. He's my friend and friends don't go their friend's girl it’s just not like that. That's the first rule of friendship. I sit up and look around my room. I lean my head against the headboard and just allow myself to calm down. You just have to talk to her Austin.

Agreeing with my mind, I get up and head for a long shower and thinking time. I have only one chance to put things right and I can't blow it because whether we are friends or more I need her in my life. She's my best friend and ideal girl.

As I park my car up a few feet away from her house. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. Come on mate. One chance. If you want her, fight for her. Friends or more. She needs you.

Not giving myself the chance to back out I get out of my car and head towards her house. As I walk up the familiar drive I feel my palms sweat up and my heart begin to race. Taking one last deep breath to calm myself I knock on her front door. A minute or so goes by before I hear her yell that she's coming. I keep my eyes glued to the floor. I hear the door open and her sweet melodic voice speak, "Austin?"

I slowly raise my eyes from the ground taking in her flip-flops, three-quarter trousers, navy blue vest-top and then her straight locks of hair. Her features stand out as beautiful as ever. As my eyes lock with hers I feel my breath being knocked out of me as always. Finding it hard to breathe, I choke out her name, "Mikayla."

Anna's POV 

I smile to myself as I watch Anth being his stupid self. I shake my head at him but the laughter never stops tumbling out of my mouth. I hold my stomach as I feel a stretch in it. "Anth... Stop." My eyes begin to water and Anth stops as he too starts to laugh uncontrollably. Minutes go by as we both attempt to stop laughing and soon enough we are calm again. I walk over to Anth and I engulf him into a hug. "You are seriously the most stupid person I have ever met, but I still love you."

Anth chuckles before he squeezes me, "I love you too sis." I pull away and smile at him. I take in his features and his unique skin complexion. "Like what you see?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I laugh as I playfully slap him.

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