Chapter 19- The Past

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Chapter 19- The Past

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”~ Martin Luther King Jr

I want to run. Far away. And never look back. But I can't. Not because of the bags I am carrying, but because I can't bring myself to do it. I have frozen. I continue staring at him like he has something nasty on his face, and just like me he continues to stare at me. We stay like this for ages, no-one speaks, just continue to stare. Conor is staring at us from one to another expecting someone to speak but no-one does. The tension is off the scale and continues to fly up. After a few minutes he speaks up.


I still can't respond. I haven’t seen him since that day. The day that changed everything. I owe him my life, but for some reason I can't seem to take a step towards him. I am in complete and utter shock.

I feel Conor put his arms around me before whispering in my ear, "Babe, wanna go inside?" Not trusting my voice I nod and he leads me inside. I drop the bags at the door and run upstairs. I need to clear my head and start thinking about what to do.

What to do? There is nothing you can do Anna. He's here and what? You don’t even know what he wants because you couldn’t even speak to him. For all you know he just wanted to see how you’re doing. See how you’re doing? NO! It’s been what four years now? I haven’t heard from him.

I quickly throw some cold water over my face before slowly heading back down. I see Conor sitting on the arm of the three seater and Jake sitting in the single seater. I join the boys, standing by Conor, putting as much space as I can between me and Jake. He slips his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. He kisses my hair and I give him a gentle smile.

A few more seconds past before I decide to speak.

"Four years..."

Jake looks up at me. "I know."

"Why come back now?"

"I don’t know, but I have spent every day wondering where you are Anna. You... "

Conor's POV

We both sit awkwardly in the front room. None of us speak and we didn’t look at each other. Why is this boy here? Anna told me who he was but even still why he is turning up after all these years? I know Anna had a crush on him and in a way I could see why. He was the type of boy who every girl found cute. He has a golden complexion with greeny-grey eyes that stood out. He has dark light brown hair that was up in a Zayn Malik style. His features are more or less perfect and it was obvious he has deep dimples.

Anna joins us. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss to comfort her. Once again there is that building tension. What a great way to finish an awesome weekend. Note my sarcasm. Anna decides to speak first.

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