Chapter 47- Back To The Maynards'

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Chapter 47- Back To The Maynards'

"Have the angels turned their back on me?"~ Lemar

"Do you remember the last time we were here sat like this?" I mutter to Conor, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I remember. You were crying and that's the day you opened up to me and told me everything. I remember it like yesterday. I cannot believe it's going to be two years Anna."

I sigh, "Neither can I. I mean no offence but I never would of thought we'd last this long," I chuckle to myself, "I cannot believe how much I used to hate you."

"There is a very fine line between love and hate." I smile to myself and turn my head to face him. Conor is wearing a smile that fits his face in such a beautiful way.

"I never really believed that until now. I honestly love you Conor."

His eyes brighten up and he smiles back at me, "I love me too." I playfully smack him and he lets out a laugh, "I love you too my princess."

Silence takes over once again but not one of those awkward ones but one that allows you to just think. I inwardly smile as I realise how for once everything is going right for me. No problems and no worries. I'm just happy.

"Wouldn't you just love to live in this moment forever? Everything is going right and for once my way. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"I would but at the same time I wouldn't. I don't know about you but my story isn't complete. Not yet."

I smile at I remember our day out. "Yeah, I know. Do you want to get married any time soon Conor?" I have thought about marriage a few times but I am only 20; still too young but it doesn't stop me from thinking.

"I honestly don't know. I wouldn't mind it but maybe in a few years. You?"

"Same. I feel as if I'm too young for marriage, but it's something I wish to do."

"Let's just hope it's something we can do together."

For some reason I hear panic and fear in Conor's voice.

What is he doubting?


"We best get going. Your mom will kill us if we are late again." I shudder as I remember the last time we were late.

Conor's chuckle gets louder and he comes to stand next to me. "That wasn't even our fault. It was Anth and Austin, but you are right. We best get going if we don't want to be too late. Said goodbye to the house?"

I frown to myself. "Yeah. I hate leaving this place. It's so beautiful."

"We'll be back soon okay?"


Conor smiles at me, "Promise." He kisses the top of my head and I take that as my cue to leave. I walk over to the car and take one last look back before getting into the car. I watch as Conor locks up and soon enough joins me in the car. With both of us buckled up he presses down on the gas and sends us on our way to Brighton.

Minutes into the journey Conor asks me to plug his phone in. Soon enough his music is playing through the speakers of the car. I hum along to the songs I recognise and I smile to myself when Conor sings along to his own song. I watch as he bobs his head along.

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