Authors Note. Final.

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Hey guys. It's finally here! The Final Authors Note. I honestly feel like I am going to cry. Argh! But we have to get through this... Together. After months of requesting I have picked a MASSIVE range of questions and they are kind of in sections. First it's all your questions about the Monkey. I found it so cute how interested you guys were about him. Second is about my two besties Armani and Jardel and last is kind of random questions. I have a few other random things we have to talk about before the final message. I'm dreading it so much and I know I will cry.

So let's go.


1) What is his real name?

 - He actually asked to not have his name mentioned. The paranoid shit. Let's stick with Monkey.

2) How old is he?

 - He is 16 but he just turned 16 recently. He thinks he some big man now because he is a year older than me. Oh please.

3) How long have you been together?

 - Quite a few people asked me this. Well we've been together for almost two years (Just over a month left) but we've liked each other for eight years. I know, that's is a long time. Haha.

4) How did you get together?

 - Er where to start? Er it was kind of a cat chase with me and him. I liked him and he liked me but everyone knew except us so that was weird. Just over two years ago though I saw a new side to him and we kind of made our feelings very clear but life and complications got in the way. But one day he told me he loves me and here we are today.

5) What's your favourite thing about him?

 - He is amazing and I love him with everything in me. It's hard to pick a favourite but it would have to be how sincere he is. He doesn't change when he is with his friends and he likes to make the effort with my friends so definitely one of my favourite characteristics.

6) If you could change one thing about him, what would it be?

 - I sat here and thought about this and if I could change one thing about him it would be his temper. It takes ALOT to really tick him off but when he is pissed that's it. Someone's going to die. Haha.

7) Would you ever replace him?

 - No. Never.

8) Have you named your children?

 - Haha! Er we kinda have. Er our daughter will be called Inayah Armani Ahmed and our son Ismael Ahmed. He has no middle name atm.

9) What is your couple name?

 - We don't actually have one?

10) What's his nickname for you?

 - He usually just calls me babe or baby but he used to call me Strawberry. Now it's Cookie because I LOVE cookies. He also calls me Wife so... LOL


1) Who is more of your best friend? Armani or Jardel?

 - I love them both with my heart but Jardel has been there for me through a lot more.

2) How did you and Jardel become friends?

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