Chapter 31- Revelations

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Chapter 31- Revelations

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”~ Albert Einstein

"Mmmmm." He snuggles up closer to me, pushing our bodies closer together. I laugh quietly to myself.



"You need to get up. Like now."

"Why?" He asks without opening his eyes.

"Well, firstly because it's the morning and secondly we both have things to be doing today."

He slowly opens his eyes to look at me and he pouts. "A little longer?"

I shake my head at him and pat his back. "Come on, up." He groans but surely sits up.

"What are we doing today?"

"I don't know about you but I am going out with my friends today."

"Can I come?"

"As much as I would love for you to join us Conor, I don't think they would appreciate you tagging along."


"I haven't spent any time with them and they are my best friends. I just want a catch up with them that is all. Without any distractions."

"Alright, I'll see you later on today?" I slowly nod at him.

Two hours later I am waiting in a small cafe that sell the best carrot cake ever! I'm slowly sipping on my drink when Mikayla attacks me with her hug. It takes me a while to react.

"HEY!" We both exclaim at the same time. We both take a seat across each other at our window-sight booth. "Gosh! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever Anna! And when I do see you, I can't even talk to you." She frowns at me.

"I'm so sorry! I have just been so busy. I've missed you Kay."

"I've missed you and our girly times too! And we all know who you have been busy with," She winks at me and I blush, "How is everything going between you guys? You know 'cause of..."

"It has been going really good. He is so perfect Kay! I feel so happy when I am with him. He makes me feel so complete. I don't need anything when I am with him, because he gives me everything that I need. I know he won't ever intentionally hurt me. I know how corny this may sound but I feel like we have this connection you know? Like I can trust him with everything. He is like my best friend and a lover. I don't know Kay. Am I being a stupid teenage girl?"

Mikayla just beams at me with a grin plastered on her face. There is a twinkle in her eye and it is only then I notice the tears pooling at the rim of her eyes. "Kay? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"These aren't sad tears stupid!"


"There are happy tears..."


"I am so proud of you An!" The words that next come out of her mouth scare me slightly. "You're in love with Conor Maynard."

Conor's POV

"So how's the girl?" Me and Anth are currently sitting in the studio listening to my now complete album.

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