Chapter 43- Memories

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Chapter 43- Memories

 “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”~ Mother Teresa


Conor's POV

I run my hands through my hair as my eyes look over all the options in front of me. I groan before turning back to Shequoia. She looks at me expectantly and I just shrug at her. She rolls her eyes at me. "You have been giving me that same gesture for ages Conor. Hurry up and blood give me an answer!"

"I can't! It's too hard."

"Hard? No it's not. Just which do you prefer?"

"I- I don't know Shay!" I groan in frustration.

"Just pick Conor! You're beginning to annoy me like crazy!"

"How can I just pick! You don't understand how perfect it needs to be!"

"Pick or else I'll do it for you." I look at her.

"Just pick, it's more for your pleasure anyway." She grins at me.

"That it is." She looks over all of them and points to the one she wants. I just nod at her.

"If it doesn't make me feel anything you are going to do anything I want. Understand?" I give her my serious face.

"Ooh. I like this controlling Conor. Rawr."

"Shay, you can't do this in public."

"I like the secrecy even more, such a turn on," her eyes light up like a child on Christmas day; she gets up and seats herself on my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck and leans her forehead against mine, "Anna is very lucky Conor."

"She can't know about this?"

She places her face beside mine as she whispers into my ear, "Don't worry. Our secret is safe with me."

Anna's POV

I step out the shower and dry myself off with a towel nearby. Once dry I start to layer on the clothes, starting with underwear and ending with washed out denim jeans and a back hoodie. I slip out of my room and make my way down. My eyes roam everything available for breakfast and I settle for some cheese on toast.

With my steaming toast in front of me, I switch the TV on skip through the channels. Halfway through How I Met Your Mother the doorbell rings. I groan as I realise I have to actually move to answer the door. I open the door only to be met by nothing. I look both ways to see a deserted street. I roll my eyes at the immaturity. "Stupid children."

I close the doors and retreat back to the couch. I get comfortable again, I peacefully watch my hilarious soap opera. The doorbell sounds again and I grunt as I get up again. I open the door and once again I am met with nothing but the site of the houses opposite me. "Come on! At least be a little but more fun than this!" I roll my eyes and close the door.

I go back to my living room and as I am about to sit down the doorbell rings. I scream this time and storm my way through to the door. I yank the front door open and no surprise; there is no-one there. I smell hit's me and I give whoever a bored face. "That's all you could think of? A stink bomb? Wow. You guys amaze me," I say, boredom evident in my voice. "Anything else? No. Okay. Go away now." I slam the door shut.

I swear, if they knock again I am not opening the door. I enter my living room and a stench hits me. Oh gosh! They threw a stink bomb through the window. I groan as I go to open the window wider, but stop as the window comes into view. The windows are closed and in spray paint is 'Is This Fun Enough?' The scariest part? I remember that I didn’t even open the windows. Panic starts to hit me and I turn to take a seat but a scream leaves me instead. There lying across the length of my couch is Armani. Her eyes are cold and I see her skin has turned blue.

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