Chapter 21- Shocked

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 Chapter 21- Shocked

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”~ Friedrich Nietzsche


I examine myself in the mirror. Red skinny skinny jeans, a white blouse and flats. Alright, I look nice and casual. I decide to leave my long, tangled hair out today mainly because it's too hard to deal with it. I sigh to nobody, grab the essentials before heading downstairs.

"You take so long to get dressed Anna."

I roll my eyes at him. "Funny coming from Mr. ITakeAnAlmostThreeHoursToGetReady."

"Three hours?! You give over exaggerated nicknames babe."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at him playfully.

"You all ready to go?"

"Yup." I am going to meet Jake today.

We both head out the house, I lock the doors are take a seat in the passenger seat.

Conor starts the engine and speeds down my street.

"You look beautiful with your hairs dow- Actually you always look beautiful but you look even more beautiful with your hairs down... If that’s even possible..."

I look at him, embarrassed and confused by his random outburst. "Well that was random wasn’t it? And I hate my long hair. I really want to get it cut. It just gets tangled." I sigh in defeat to my hair.

"It wasn’t random, I was thinking about it. And don’t cut it babe, I like it. You have beautiful hair. Like me. Our kids will have beautiful hair."

Kids? I didn’t know he was thinking about the future. I am kind of shocked and embarrassed by his little talk. I think he realises as well- probably from the colour of my cheeks. Wanting to change the subject I give up in defeat. "Yeah sure whatever. It was weird being back in college after missing like two days."

Conor took his eyes off the road staring at me in disbelief. "Seriously? It was only two days."


He shakes his head at me before turning back to the road. The rest of the ride is silent. Once he parks outside a coffee shop I lean over giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for dropping me off."

"It was alright. I'm heading this way anyways babe."

"Well thank you anyways. See you later?"

"You’re welcome. And maybe, I'll see. Make sure he keeps his hands to himself." He smiles and winks at me, but I know he is being serious.

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