Chapter 52- The Ending Of A Chapter ||Part 2||

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Chapter 52- The Ending Of A Chapter ||Part 2||

"Decades can move. You can move countries. War can be fought. People can die. People can change. But the stars stay the same. They stay constant, They are really only the reliable things in life."~ Elliot Fintry

Conor's POV

I push the hair back from her face. She swats at my hand but stays asleep nonetheless. I smile as I take in her beauty. "Today is all for you and that's why it has to be perfect. Everything will be out in the open and our relationship will be different; it will be stronger. I just hope you can forgive me for lying to you for such a long time. I love you baby. See you later on today the future Mrs. Maynard," I whisper. I kiss her forehead before grabbing my things and heading downstairs for the front door.


"Can we move that flower display more towards the front? Yeah... That looks better. Make sure it is secure enough." I look around and see everything coming together.

I hear Anth's laugh near me and soon enough he slaps his hand on my shoulder. I turn to face him to see him grinning, before I know it I am grinning back at him. "This is going to be huge!"

"Yeah, let's just hope everything goes according to plan."

"What's the plan?"

"Spend all day organising this and when Anna calls make her think I have forgotten. Knowing her she will be upset so Jake is going to 'entertain' her and make sure she doesn't get too depressed. Around half seven I shall go and get her with her dress. Tell her that I'm treating her and bring her here and tell her it's just for our anniversary then BAM! Propose." I smile as I think about how fool proof my plan is.

"That sounds good my brother! Let's get to work then! Still got loads to do!" I slap him on his back and soon enough set off to work.

My ringtone blaring causes me to put the box of glasses down. I see Anna's face flash across my screen. A smile takes over my lips and I answer her call.

"Hey baby!"

I can't help but chuckle at how happy she sounds today. "Hey. Someone is happy today," I state in a teasing tone.

"Yeah. Have no idea why. Today must be a special day." She says, emphasising the word 'special'. Yeah it is. A very special day.

Going along with the plan I put on a bored tone, "Really? Feels ordinary to me."

"No. Something definitely special today. Am I going to see you today?"

I bite my lip as I prepare myself, "Er, I'm busy today. Maybe tomorrow or the day after." I close my eyes hoping that she doesn't get too angry but am surprised I hear the playfulness in her tone.

"Haha. Very funny. Jokes over Conor. On a serious note, what's the plan for today?"

"Nothing. Should I of had something planned?" I ask, making sure to sound confused.

"Con... You are joking right?" I hear the hurt in her voice.

"About what?"

"Please tell me you are kidding." She begs.

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