Chapter 29- Back To Brighton

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Chapter 29- Back To Brighton

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”~ Marilyn Monroe

"So, what is the plan for today?" I ask Conor taking my place to the sink where he is washing up. I know right? A guy? Washing up? What has the world come to?! Well I can tell you proudly that Conor is not ordinary. Not at all!

"Well, I was kinda hoping you would come to Brighton with me-"

I scream due to the happiness that just attacked my body. Last time Conor took me was just amazing. I enjoyed it like crazy, I kinda wish we could have stayed there for longer.

"Er Anna babe?"

Conor's serious tone halted the squealing. I look at him expecting him to say something.

"Well, I was kinda hoping you would meet my family. But I understand if you feel that it's too early. I mean I won't force you but I would like it. I- they are really nice people and they have been dying to meet you since I told them about you," he chuckles to himself, "They have actually been begging me to take you to see them, but er like I said it's fine if you don't want to go I can't really force you so it's all up to you. Don't get me wrong I would love for you to meet them because I feel like we have a future but it's seriously up to you, I won't-"

I silence him with a soft but longing kiss. "You talk too much when you are nervous. I would love to meet them Conor." I give him a huge grin in which he mirrors back at me.

"I should babble more often." And with that being said his lips envelope mine with his and they move in perfect sync. After a few more seconds of bliss I pull away and Conor frowns at me.

"Don't give me that look. I have to get dressed to meet your family." I wink at him. However it seems Conor has other ideas. He pulls me too him so there is no space between our bodies and lays gentle kisses along my neck.

"Now I don't wish to leave this house." I manage to get a chuckle out before gently pushing Conor away. He gives me a large frown. Guys and their testosterone. I roll my eyes at him while a smile never leaving my face.

"Go home and get dressed." I push him towards the door and to my surprise he listens.

"I'll be back in an hour."

"Yes sir." I peck his cheek and watch as he leaves the house. Once silence accompanies me I make my way upstairs to make myself look presentable and suitable for the role of the girlfriend of superstar Conor Maynard.


Forty five minutes later I'm ready waiting for Conor. I'm wearing a red summer dress. Its arms come up to the end of my shoulders, with a V-neck chest line. A black belt dressed in pearls resting against my waist showing off my curves. The dress ending just about mid-thigh. I let by hair hang in loose curls. I'm wearing a simple silver necklace, with a few bangles on the right hand and completed the look with a black clutch bag. I’ve kept the make-up to a minimum with just some thin eyeliner, mascara, blush and a nude/pink lipstick. I slip my black heels on and head downstairs.

I grab my phone from the coffee table and reply to Mikayla's text, promising her a 'girls day out' for a catch up. I do feel bad; I mean I have hardly spent time with her and Peter. My thoughts are smashed by the sound of the doorbell. I make my over and open the door to reveal a very casual looking Conor.

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