Chapter 40- A Broken Promise

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  • Dedicated to Asif Jafari

Chapter 40- A Broken Promise

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”~ Albert Einstein

"I need you to do me a favour Anna." I turn my head towards the voice and I gasp when I see Peter standing there like his usual self.

"Peter! You are here! We have all been waiting for you."

"Anna. It's not me, it's my spirit. I have just come to ask you to look after Mikayla for me. If I could I would tell her myself but I'm scared she will latch on too much so I need for you tell her that I love her and that I always have and always will but tell her I am begging her to move on with her life. I want her to be happy and I want her to fulfil her life goals even the ones she wanted to complete with me."

"Peter, you can't leave," I get up and walk towards him; tears now pooling in my eyes threatening to fall, "She loves you. We love you Peter. What will we do without you? You are the only sane one out of us all. You're the only one that can keep Kay sane. Peter you can't leave." The tears that were building up have now fallen over.

I see a pained look cross his face as he steps forward. He places his hand on my cheek and wipes away my tears. "I have to Anna. It's my time. My brother is calling for me. He needs his big bro, but I promise I will be protecting you guys from up there. I can't ever leave you unprotected. I love all of you guys. You will always be my first love but Mikayla... she will always be my true love. My heart belongs to her and that is why you need to make sure you pass this message on okay?"

I nod meekly at him. "I wish you could stay. I have lost enough people I care about."

"You aren't losing me. I will always be with you, just in a different form. I have to go now, he's crying for me. He is calling for me. It's my time to go Anna. Tell everyone I said bye and that I love them, and make sure you pass my message on to Mikayla. I love you Anna. Goodbye." He kisses my cheek before turning away and walking away from us all. I watch as he disappears into the bright light. I fall to the ground as the sobs start to be let out.

He really has gone.

I open my eyes to a room which automatically make me panic. Everything comes rushing back to and tears automatically form in my eyes. I sit up and frantically look around for Peter to call him back. Once I realise that it was all a dream, I let out my sobs just like in my dream. I feel two arms wrap around me and then a hand running up and down my back in a soothing way. Conor whispers comforting words in my each and sends me the occasional 'ssh'. My sobs eventually calm down to a few jumps. I grip onto Conor's t-shirt as I place my head in the space between his neck and shoulder. I breathe in his scent; helping me relax.

Once my breathing calms down I turn my head but only so much so that I can see what everyone else is up to. All of us are here. Peter has no other family so we are his family. Austin sits there by himself taking a sip from his bottle of water every few minutes. Next to him is sat Armani and Jake. Armani leans her head against Jake's chest and I pick upon how Jake is holding her hand. I smile as I realise that they really do like each other- even if they don't realise it. Anth and Jack sit there talking to each other in a hushed tone. Kayla and Lucas stare at the TV not really paying attention to the show that is currently on. Lucas whispers something in her ear and Kayla nods. They both get up hand-in-hand before leaving this pain-filled room. My eyes then drift to Mikayla. She is sitting alone staring blankly at the ground. Not moving or speaking. Just staring. No emotions are evident, nothing except the tears that fall freely and fluently down her cheeks.

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