Chapter 24- The Beginning Of The End

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Chapter 24- The Beginning Of The End

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

We both sit silently in the backfields hidden behind the towering trees. Nobody speaking because neither of us knowing what to say. Me and Jake both left gym telling miss that we are going to the nurse but really we have been sat here for the last 15 minutes in utter silence. In my head I count to 100 again and again waiting for Jake to say something, anything but he still hasn't spoken. I need to make sure he doesn't tell anyone or else...

"You can't tell anyone Jake" I tell him in a monotone.

Jake snaps his head up in my direction. "Is that all you are worried about?"

"Yes" I answer him honestly. "If you tell then they will ask him and then he will know I told. He will hurt me again Jake and I don't want that."

"How long?"

"What?" I ask confused.

"How long has it been going on?"

"At first it was just he used to hit me."

"That doesn't answer my question." His voice hold so much feelings. The two most evident being tiredness and hurt.

"It all started when I was I was 11. He used to always call me names. A slut, a whore, and dirty bitch..." I tell him remembering everything. "It used to really upset me. It used to hurt because I thought he was our saviour. I mean at first he was so nice. Used to take us out, buy us sweets and gifts. He used to play with us and then one day a huge argument happened between him and my mom and ever since then things have gone downhill. My mom started drinking again and more or less left him to look after us. He never used to cook for us or even bother with us. I couldn't do anything because I had to look after my little sister Hannah." I smile to myself thinking about her. I look at Jake and see him watching me intently.

"We grew this bond that even today nothing can break. She looks up to me and honestly she is the only reason that I am still here today. I could never leave her behind...-"

"Has he ever..." he starts unable to finish. I look at him confused before understanding.

"No! I would never let him touch her! Sure he yells at her but that is all. Even for doing that I want to kill him."

He nods his head telling me he understands. "Well then after a while he used to threaten me all the time. Telling me he will ram a burning pole down my throat or will rip all my hair out with his hands. They were vile. He is vile. But I just dealt with it. For Hannah. I speak to my dad but he can't do anything. Rob- that's my step-dad- started to hit me. It started as a slap and ended up with whacks from metal bars. One day he came home drunk. I could smell the alcohol rolling off him in thick waves. That was the first time he ever touched me like that. I still remember I was watching a movie in my room and he came home smiling at me in a sleazy manor. My mom was passed out drunk in her room next door and Hannah was asleep in her room. He walked towards me slowly undressing himself. I backed up until my back hit my icy wall. I knew I couldn't do anything. Nobody would help me. He ran his hands down my arm and sides before pulling me to him. He forcefully kissed me, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pushing my face into his. His pulled on my PJ shirt- ripping the buttons on leaving me bare." I turn my head away from him. Knowing my tears ready to fall as I remember every single detail

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