Chapter 33- One Battle Of The War

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Chapter 33- One Battle Of The War

 “If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.”~ Malcolm X

A Year And A Half Later…

"That is very true Ellen. I am always a busy man, especially with the second album being released just last week. Its endless amounts of shows and gigs. Not that I am complaining, I love my Mayniacs as much as I love performing."

"And as you can tell Conor..." She points to the screen behind them showing masses of girls outside the studio, "They love you just as much and probably are jealous of your girlfriend. Am I right?"

"Yes, probably but the true fans will always stick by me and I know that." He answers back his eyes gleaming with happiness.

"That my friend is a very true fact. How is the beautiful Anna these days? I see she never came with you today?"

"Yeah, she is fantastic. No, unfortunately not. She decided to take a break from all these fame." They both laugh at his response.

"Almost two years later and it's finally getting to her? Do I sense a breakup sir Maynard?"

"No, and don't expect one anytime soon Ellen. Me and her are going strong as ever."

"So what? No room open for any of these young ladies?"

"Maybe." And he winks at the screen. Unbelievable.

"So Conor, as if music and clothing isn't enough your new perfume Liquor is soon to be out and on the shelves?"

Not being able to take any more I switch the TV off and get up with the goal of tidying the entire house.

"Coming!" I run across the living room and reach in front to open the front door. Opening it reveals a very tired Jake. I sigh to myself and open the door wide enough for him to enter. I then close the door and turn to face him and lead him back to the kitchen where I continue to wash the endless pile of dishes. From the corner of my eye I see Jake plonk down on one of the seats at the table. "What happened then?"


"Last night, and don't say 'nothing' because I can tell something happened, so spill."

"Urgh. I went out, partied, got drunk, hooked up, and got lost somewhere when I tried to come back home. But then I collapsed from the amount of alcohol I consumed. I'm guessing I fell asleep on someone's front garden because the next thing I knew I was being lifted up by a very pissed fat dude; who by the way is extremely strong. He was holding me so far up off on the ground that I threw up on him. I swear he was about to kill me, but then his wife- I think it was his wife anyway- came out and told him to leave me. She told me the way to get back here and here I am."

"Why aren't you at home Jake?"

"I lost my key somewhere." I sigh loudly and turn to face him, leaning against the sink.

"Jake, how many times? You have to stop all of this. One day something so bad will happen to you and we won't know. Maybe today you got saved but one day the guy may kill you. You could end up asleep on a murderer’s porch instead! You are being so stupid and ridiculous. Not forgetting that you are digging your grave with every bottle of alcohol you consume. Stop being so childish and grow up. Learn to live a proper lifestyle. You are twenty, not two!"

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